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中华女子学院 毕业论文 题目:反垄断法的宽恕制度研究 学 院________法学院_________ 年级专业_______2011级法学_____ 学生姓名________ _________ 学 号___________ 指导教师_________ _________ 完成日期 2015 年 3 月 目录 正文 1.研究目的及意义 1.1研究目的 1.2研究意义 2.反垄断法宽恕制度立法现状及问题 2.1反垄断法宽恕制度的立法现状 2.1.2反垄断法宽恕制度立法现状 2.1.2反垄断法宽恕制度的特点 2.2反垄断法宽恕制度的问题 2.2.1规定情形方面较为狭窄 2.2.2规定奖惩方面不够具体 2.2.3适用条件方面不够明确 3.国外的反垄断法的宽恕制度对我国的借鉴 4.我国反垄断法宽恕制度的实施 5.我国反垄断法的宽恕制度的完善建议 5.1刑法制度的建立 5.2现有法律各个层面的完善 6.小结 中文摘要及关键词: 摘要 宽恕制度作为一种反垄断法执法措施,是指在反垄断执法机关对于卡特尔的存在尚未知晓,或者是在执法机关发现之后着手调查之前,或是已经开展调查、但还未获得充分证据之前,对于主动向反垄断执法机关揭露卡特尔,并给予积极配合、提供有力证据,并且满足特定条件的卡特尔成员,执法机关对其予以减轻或免除处罚的反垄断制度。反垄断宽恕制度作为一种调查卡特尔的反垄断执法措施起源于美国,该制度于1978年在美国施行后,对及时发现卡特尔,提高反垄断执法效率,维护市场竞争秩序,保护经营者和消费者合法权益等都产生了积极作用。随后,各国纷纷效仿美国做法,宽恕制度已经成为了近年各国争相采用的措施。本文章就是从宽恕制度的立法现状、特点以及国外宽恕制度的借鉴等等来研究我国的宽恕制度。 关键词:反垄断法宽恕制度;立法现状;完善建议。 Abstract Forgiveness system as one of the anti-monopoly law enforcement measures, refers to the anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies for the existence of the cartel is unknown, or is found in the law enforcement authority after investigating before, or have been investigated before, but have not yet received sufficient evidence, for the initiative to the anti-monopoly law enforcement authority revealed cartel, and actively cooperate with and provide strong evidence, and to meet the specific conditions of cartel members, law enforcement agencies for its antitrust system shall be mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment.Antitrust forgiveness system as a kind of survey cartel antitrust enforcement measures originated in the United States, after the enforcement of the system in the United States in 1978, to discover the cartel, improve the efficiency of the anti-monopoly law enforcement, maintaining the order of market competition and protecting the legal rights and interests of operators and consumers, has had a positive effect.Then, countries are following America, forgiveness system has become the countries to adopt measures in recent years.This article is from the legislative status qu



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