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ee 题 目 基于Pro/E的汽车变速器齿轮的 参数化建模及运动仿真 学生姓名 ee 学号 ee 所在学院 机械工程学院 专业班级 ee 指导教师 ee __ ____ __ 完成地点 ee ___ 2009 年 06 月 11 日 基于Pro/E的汽车变速器齿轮的 参数化建模及运动仿真 作者:ee (ee) 指导教师:ee ` [摘要]应用参数化设计,便于实现系列化设计,可缩短产品的研发周期,减少重复设计,节约研发成本。参数化建模是通过定义一组参数来表达产品的形状特征,并以这些参数控制设计结果,从而达到调整参数可修改模型的目的 。运动仿真是根据设计意图定义机构中的连接、设置伺服电机,然后运行机构分析,观察机构的整体运动轨迹和各零件之间的相对运动,以检测机械的干涉情况。本文讨论在ProEngineer环境下,对汽车变速器中的斜齿轮进行三维参数化建模及运动仿真,并分析参数化建模及运动仿真的特点。 [关键词]:斜齿轮;参数化建模;运动仿真 Based on Pro / E automotive transmission gears Parametric Modeling and Simulation ee (ee) Tutor: ee [Abstract] This article will discussthe environment in ProEngineer,Automotive transmissions in three-dimensional helical gear parametric modeling and motion simulation analysis of parametric modeling and motion simulation features. It is defined by a set of parameters to express the characteristics of the shape of the product, these parameters control the design and results, adjustment parameters can be modified so as to achieve the purpose of the model. Accountants can directly start the organization in motion analysis module in ProEngineer, defined according to the design intent of the connection mechanism, the servo motor and run the analysis mechanism, the relative movement of the parts and the whole trajectory between the observation means to detect the interference of the machine. And the use of the module, designers also can be a variety of measurements and saves the results of the analysis in the form of videos.Application of parametric design can easy to implement serialization designed to shorten product development cycles,reduce duplication of design, saving development costs. [Key words]: Helical gear; Parametric modeling ; Motion Simulation 目 录 1.概述 1 1.1汽车变速器齿轮参数化设计的发展 1 1.2齿轮传动的主要类型 2 1.3齿轮的发展现状和前景分析 3



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