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发音要领: 1.由两个元音构成,第一个音是“短音”/?/,第二个音是“短乌音”/u/。 2. 发音时,先打开下颔骨,嘴唇略微呈圆形,口形较大,舌端离下齿,舌身放低后缩,舌后部微抬起,然后随着发音过程的变化口形收圆缩小,舌后部继续向后缩并抬起。 常发这个音的有字母“o”、字母组合“oa”、“ou”、“ow”、“ew”以及“ough”等 Oo Let’s read Let’s think: 上面单词中o的发音相同吗? home hole nose rose 2. box fox orange lock Oo [?u] [ ] [?u] I find: c Coke those hold OK over so go potato tomato photo [?u] Tongue Twister: I?know. You know. I know you know. I know you know I know. Today is cold. Rose is in the boat. She wants to have a coat. Put on your coat. You know you have a cold. socks not of hot sorry tock donkey long off stop [ ] c Tongue Twister: Tom’s mom has got a lot of dots in her pocket. Bob Bob Bob. is an orange dog. [ju:] Uu 发音要领: 1.由一个辅音音标[j]和一个长元音[u:]构成。 2. /j/是舌前硬颚半元音。发音时舌前部向硬颚尽量抬起,舌位较高,双唇伸展成扁平状。它是个浊辅音,声带振动。 3.发[u:]双唇比/?/收得更圆更小,向前突出,舌后部比/?/抬得 更高。注意长度,不要发得太短,口腔肌肉要始终保持紧张状态。 Let’s read Let’s think: 上面单词中u的发音相同吗? cute tube music student 2. bus cup toothbrush umbrella Uu [ju:] [ ] [ju:] I find: v use music tube computer cute cucumber unite student [ju:] Tongue Twister: No news is good news. The cute student knew the news sunny lunch duck but jump fun run hundred much just [ ] v Enough is enough ! Just shut up. What’s up? Nothing much. Hurry up! Lesson One Pronunciation Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu contents 1. Aa 的发音 2. Ee 的发音 3. Ii 的发音 6. Summary 4. Oo 的发音 5. Uu 的发音 常发这个元音的字母是“a”. 发音要领: 1.口形由/e/向/?/滑动。 2. 发音过程中下颚向上合拢,舌位也随之稍稍抬高。 Aa Let’s read cake lake name 4. same 5. face 6. race Group 1 1. cap 4. cat 2. map 5. hat 3. bag 6. fat Group 2 cake lake name same face race cap map bag cat hat fat Let’s think: 上面单词中a的发音相同吗? Aa [ei] [?] [ei] I find: make take snake game place grape [ei] Hello Kate,hello May. They are playing by the lake. David ,David .You are so late. Come on ,


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