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台灯罩模具设计 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化 学 生: 指 导 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 2014年5月1日 扬州大学广陵学院 模具技术是一门综合性很强的学科,是近年来飞速发展的学科之一。以塑料模具的发展尤为迅速。在现代生活中能离开模具的产品是越来越少了,随着模具制造行业的发展,许多企业开始追求提高产品质量及生产效率,缩短设计周期及制造周期,降低生产成本,最大限度地提高模具设计和制造业的应变能力等目标。 本课题设计台灯罩的注射模具。该课题从产品结构工艺性,具体模具结构出发,对模具的浇注系统、模具成型零件的结构、脱模推出系统、冷却系统、注射机的选择及有关参数的校核进行了详细的设计。最后在设计过程中运用PRO/E AutoCAD2007软件进行注塑模结构设计与计算并绘制出模具总装图以及主要零件图,并确保模具结构的可靠性、合理性、实用性。 关键词:,Auto CAD2007模具技术,注射成型,模具设计和制造。 Abstract Mold Technology is a very comprehensive subject, which is one of the rapid development in recent years. Especially as representative of the Plastic Mold develops rapidly much more.Even the majority of the products can’t depart from mold technology in the current life , Which reveals its obvious importance. With the development of the mold manufacturing industry ,lots of enterprises begin to seek after improving quality and efficiency, shortening the cycle of design and manufacture, reducing the cost, improving strain capacity of the mold design and manufacturing maximumly as targets etc. In this topic the desk lamp of injection mold is designed. The product structure technology based on the mould structure, specific mould gating system, the structure of its molding part, parting launch system, cooling system, injection machine selection and related parameter checking have been designed detailedly.Finally the application in the design process, PRO/E and AutoCAD2007 software for the structural design of the injection molding and calculates and draws out the mould assembly diagrams, and drawing of the main parts. And make sure that the mould structure of reliability, rationality, practicality. Key words:PRO/E,Auto CAD2007Mold Technology, Injection Molding, Mold Design and Manufacturing. 目 录 摘要 Abstract 第一章 绪论 1 1.1模具及模具工业的发展与现状 1 1.2塑料成型模具的种类 1 1.3注射模具的发展方向 2 第二章 塑料成型工艺 3 2.1 塑件材料的选择 3 2.2确定成型方法 3 2.3注塑成型工艺过程 4 2.3.1 成型前的准备 4 2.3.2 注塑成型过程 4 2.3.3、塑件的后处理 5 2.4塑件的结构工艺性 5 2.5 塑件成型工艺参数 7 2.5.1 温度 7 2.5.2 压力 8 2.5.3 成型周期 9



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