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本科学生毕业设计 弹性轮胎转鼓试验台设计 系部名称: 汽车工程系 专业班级: 车辆工程 BW05-9班 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 副教授 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 二○○九年六月 The Graduation Design for Bachelors Degree Elasticity Tyre Rotary Drum Design on The Testbed 全套图纸,加153893706 Candidate: Specialty:Vehicle Engingeering Class:BW05-9 Supervisor:Associate Prof. Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2009-06·Harbin 摘 要 汽车的动力性能是汽车的主要性能之一,是指汽车在驱动力作用下,克服各种阻力前进的能力。许多汽车性能试验均在底盘测功机上进行,而轮胎滚动阻力是影确测试精度的重要原因。测功机是检测汽车动力性能的重要设备。采用, ABSTRACT Automobile’s power function is one of important function of automobile. It’s main automobile on the drive force role, overcome different kind’s of resistance to go forward’s capacity. Most of automobile function tab all carryout on the tyre measure power machine, however, tyre roll resistance is important reason of affect accuracy test precision. Chassis measure power machine is important equipment of automobile power function coefficient test system , go deeper into turn tyre tester’s structure feature, set up vehicle drive resistance’s equivalence chance test way on the road and the turn tyre tester, introduce totality plan of chassis measure power machine. The system adopt measure power machine come into power, brake system use up power, and can accurate measure revolution parameter of come into and output, and put through operation obtain the accurate numerical value of roll resistance coefficient. It’s supply theory parameter with develop roll resistance coefficient test installation. Keywords:Turn oller Tester;Measure ower Machin;Tyre;Roll esistance;Power 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1课题的目的和意义 1 1.2轮胎转鼓试验台的功用 1 1.3轮胎转鼓试验台的发展情况 2 1.4研究内容 2 第2章 总体方案的确定 4 2.1转鼓试验台的确定 4 2.1.2轮胎滚动阻力力学特性 4 2.1.2滚动阻力系数的测定方法 5 2.1.3轮胎转鼓试验台的类型选择 6 2.1.4滚动阻力系数的测量与计算 7 2.2 试验设备及技术条件 8 2.2.1转鼓技术条件 8 2.2.2试验步骤 9 2.3滚动阻力对汽车底盘输出功率测定值的影响分析 10 2.4本章小结 11 第3章 电机的选择 12 3.1电力测功机的功用 12 3.1.1电力测功机的应用情况 12 3.1.2电力测功机的结构原理 12 3.2选择电动机 13 3.2.1驱动电机的选择 13 3.2



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