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摘 要 影视作品是现代社会人们生活中不可缺少的一部分,而且,欣赏外国影视作品能促进不同文化间的相互了解和沟通,因而,影视作品翻译近年来逐渐兴起,成为翻译研究中的一个新兴领域,在中外文化交流中发挥着不可替代的作用。随着现代生活节奏的加快,特别是网络时代的到来,配以字幕的影视作品能让观众在短时间内获取最大的信息量,同时也能让他们欣赏“原汁原味”的影视作品。因此,作为影视翻译的一个重要组成部分,字幕翻译就显得尤为重要。 近几年,字幕翻译的研究飞速发展,但大多学者是从目的论的角度进行阐述。而本文的创新点就在于,尝试使用系统功能语言学中的语域理论对字幕翻译进行分析,以期对提高字幕翻译质量有所帮助。 本篇论文首先介绍近年来影视翻译的研究现状,归纳影视翻译的本质特征及其分类,然后阐述字幕翻译作为硬是翻译一个基本分支其定义是什么,并介绍字幕翻译的历史研究。第二章中,作者总结了字幕翻译固有的特点及存在的局限性。第三章是本文的重点,主要是研究语域理论在字幕翻译中的应用。首先介绍韩礼德的语域理论,以及语域三个变项(语场,语式,语旨)之间的关系,再根据该理论在翻译中的应用实践,进而阐述它在字幕翻译中的作用和价值。研究结果证明,语域理论对字幕翻译的实践具有指导意义,对提高字幕翻译的质量能够起到重要作用。文章的最后,作者对整篇论文进行了总结,并提出字幕翻译的研究有待进一步深入。 关键词:影视翻译;语域理论;字幕翻译;语场;语式;语旨 Abstract Movies and TV programs have become an essential part of our modern life. They are important channels for information. To watch foreign audiovisual products also furthers mutual understanding and communications between different cultures. Recent years have seen a growing demand for audiovisual translation, the study of which therefore becomes a relatively new research field and plays an irreplaceable role in cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world. Subtitling is one kind of audiovisual translation. With the rapid pace of modern life, especially the coming of the Internet age, the audiovisual products with subtitles could provide the maximum information in a short time for audience to appreciate the original movies and TV programs. Therefore, subtitling translation is particularly significant as an important component of audiovisual translation. During the last few years, the subtitling translation has developed rapidly, more and more scholars have paid much attention to it. However, most of them studied it by applying Skopostheory. This thesis is an endeavor to apply the register theory to subtitling, with a view to improving the quality of E-C/C-E subtitling translation. Firstly, it introduces the current situation of audiovisual translation study, and comes to its nature and the categories. Then, the author gives a definition of the



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