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摘要 在现代公路交通中,90%以上的道路为沥青路面,承担80%左右的公路运输量,因此沥青路面的质量直接影响着交通运输的效果。但路面在使用过程中产生程中由于路基不稳和沥青本身的疲劳,经常会产生坑槽、裂缝、壅包、啃边和松散剥落等各种路病。80年代后,我国的沥青路面养护大都开始采用路面铣刨机,此类设备工作效率高,对道路养护方便快捷,并且修复的路面质量高,所以路面铣刨机已成为现代公路养护中不可或缺的一种工程机械。 本文针对道路养护中的情况专门设计了路面养护工程车LDY60,针对路面的各种路面病害进行修复。此文侧重于路面养护工程车的铣刨系统设计,此铣刨系统又包括铣刨轮、传动装置,此处采用纯机械式的链轮、链条传动。铣刨机的动力传递路线为:发动机,分动箱,减速器,链轮装置,铣刨轮。铣刨装置中的工作部件,铣削转子的布置很重要,因为铣削转子同时肩负切削路面和收集铣削废料的作用,在此设计中都有具体的陈述。此铣刨系统适合悬挂于道路工程车的后方,其机动性能好,行驶速度快,可以快速转移,并可一机多用,提高了设备的利用率,其机械利用率和经济效益显而易见。 关键词:路面养护工程车,铣刨系统设计,沥青路面养护 全套图纸,完整版设计加153893706 Abstract Modern road traffic, the road more than 90 percent of the asphalt pavement, bear about 80% of the amount of road transport, the quality of the asphalt pavement has a direct impact on the effect of transport. But the road in the course of the process due toembankment instability and asphalt fatigue, often produce such as pits, cracks, stop up bags, chew on the edge and loose flaking Road disease. After 80 years, Chinas Asphalt Pavement mostly road milling machine, such devices work efficiency, convenient for road maintenance and repair of pavement quality, road milling machine has become a modern road maintenance is not available or the lack of a construction machinery . Pavement maintenance and construction vehicles LDY60 in road maintenance designed to repair for the road pavement disease. Milling system design, this article focuses on Pavement Maintenance Truck milling system also includes a milling wheel, gear, here purely mechanical sprocket, the chain of transmission. Power transmission line of milling machines: the engine, transfer case, gear reducer, sprocket devices, milling round. Working parts in the milling device, milling rotor layout is very important, because the milling rotor at the same time the shoulder . Key Words: pavement maintenance and construction vehicles, milling system design, asphalt pavement maintenance 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1概述 1 1.2我国铣刨机发展状况 1 2 铣刨装置的设计计算 3 2.1铣刨装置概述 3 2.2铣刨转子装置的设计计算 3 2.2.1铣刨转子的结构设计 3 2.2.2铣刨转子刀具的布置 3 2.2.3铣


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