Unit 16 Stories—Lesson 3《Life Stories》课件(26张ppt)(北师大选修6).ppt

Unit 16 Stories—Lesson 3《Life Stories》课件(26张ppt)(北师大选修6).ppt

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Unit 16 Stories—Lesson 3《Life Stories》课件(26张ppt)(北师大选修6).ppt

U16-Lesson 3-3 Helen Keller Unit 16 Stories—Lesson 3 Life Stories Objectives By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to: use synonyms and antonyms to talk about differences between people; use the new words and phrases to talk about Anne Sullivan’s life story. Think: What kind of a child was Helen before Anne Sullivan came? What words can we use to describe Helen’s learning process? 3. Watch the video clip and describe how Anne and Helen felt when Helen finally understood the meaning of “water”. First-person Quotation The italicized words in the text are mostly quotations from Helen’s book. Compared to the rest of the text, they can do the following: -- show us directly the feelings and thoughts of Helen; -- prove to us that Helen had learned her language very well. -- give us more vivid descriptions (Can you find any examples?) First-person Quotation monkey-like imitation (line 26-27) a few early violets (line 50) put her arm gently round me (line 52) half in words, half in signs (line 59-60) in a flash (line 76) you feel the sweetness that it pours into everything (line 87-88) Helen was a _______ child before I became her teacher. There were _______ restrictions on her communication. She was __________ and her behaviour was often ___________. Then I _______________ to help her. I was a _________ student at a school for the blind and I could __________ Helen’s difficulties. special severe unbearable Para 1: About Helen and me former relate to was brought in stubborn Story by Anne I used a ______________ technique to teach Helen. I started with putting an object in one of Helen’s hand and spelled the words into her other hand. At first, Helen thought this was a game and she was just doing ___________ _________. When Helen had _________ _____________ that the movement of the fingers meant the spelling of a word, the world of words was _____________to her. straightforward opening up imitation understanding Para 2: Started to learn


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