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6例乳腺癌贻误诊断情况分析 李厚珍 梅发翠 刘凌 1 湖北省安陆市妇幼保健院()) he Analysis of Six Breast Cancer Patients Lte Diagnose Lihouzhen Mei fa cui Liu ling 1 the maternal and child health hospital of anlu , hubei province ; 2 the first clinical medical college of lanzhou university Abstract Objective: Through the analysis of the recent six years situation of the faulty diagnosis among the breast cancer patients, we plan to search for practical intervention measures so that we can achieve finding and diagnosing them earlier and making them taking therapy earlier to increase the survival ratio and to stimulate the health of females. Method: Retrospect the files of the six breast cancer patients who were found in gynecology outpatient department during the recent six years. Results: All of the six breast cancer patients are in the same situation of being diagnosed lately. Conclusions: There exists several reasons account for the phenomenon. Firstly, the patients didn’t have systemic breast check or only had breast infrared ray irradiation and cold-light check. However, because of these technologies are out of date, they don’t value much .In addition, the lack of social health education and awareness of self-health also contribute too much. What’s more, the economic conditions play an enormous part in it. All of the above reasons contribute to the six breast cancer patients missing the chance of being found earlier and being diagnosed earlier, which result in that they couldn’t acquire the best therapy time and couldn’t obtain a longer life. Key Words breast cancer diagnose 1.资料与方法 方法:回顾性阅读近6年乳腺门诊发现的6例乳腺癌患者资料。 资料:病例1:47岁,护士,未进行规范的乳腺体检,其母死于癌症,因乳房疼痛行乳腺冷光透照,诊断乳腺增生,行乳腺理疗,不到1个月出现同侧腋下淋巴结疼痛,经外科医生触诊,初步诊断:淋巴结炎,行抗炎治疗后淋巴结缩小,疼痛消失,后再未检查。半年后因人事调动在新单位上岗前的例行体检时发现乳腺癌,术后病理诊断:乳腺癌中晚期。后经综合治疗存活3年多死亡。 病例2:57岁,护士,未进行规范的乳腺体检,其兄死于癌症。因其亲戚查出乳腺癌,自已去体检,发现乳房包块,穿刺疑乳腺癌,术后病理证实为乳腺癌早中期,经化疗,已存活半年,根据FACT-L(生活质量量表)评估结果,提示患者情况尚可。 病例3:60岁,农民,从未进行过乳腺体检,因乳腺包块疼痛就诊,就诊时一侧乳房已有包块活动受限及酒窝症,手术后病理证实为乳腺癌晚期,由于经济条件受限,未进行综合治疗,存活1年多死亡。


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