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本科学生毕业设计 CJK6032-4型数控车床设计 全套完整版CAD图纸,联系 153893706 系部名称: 机电工程学院 专业班级:机械设计制造及其自动化08-3班 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 讲师 二○一二年六月 The Graduation Design for Bachelors Degree The Design of CJK6032-4 Numerical Controlled Lathe Candidate: Specialty:Mechanical Design and Manufacture and Automation Class:08-3 Supervisor:Lectorate. Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2012-6·Harbin 摘 要 本次毕业设计课题是CJK6032简易数控车床。该数控车床结够简单,紧凑、体积小,功能齐全,是一个适经济性数控车床达到满意的工作效率。CJK6032主要是由传动系统,进给系统和控制系统三部分组成。对其传动系统设计时,先进行总体方案的确定,画出简易的传动系统图。再根据给定的设计参数来确定传动和进给系统。滚珠丝杠由步进电机来驱动,步进电机由控制系统来驱动从而实现进给系统的进给。通过用途,功能和技术要求等合理定出系统结构,并通过认真的计算得到的参数,然后选择符合规定的元件和进行系统的结构设计。CJK6032是无级调速的,由电动机加变频器来实现。最后通过技术经济分析,验证了设计生产该产品是经济合理的。 ABSTRACT The subject of design is the simple NC CJK6032-lathe. The numerical control lathe simple,compact,small size, fully functional,is a suitable economy of CNC lathes. we can achieve a satisfactory work efficient. The simple NC CJK6032-lathe is composed of drive system, feed system and controlsystem. When designing drive system, the diagram of simple drive system are specified.Then the drive and feed system are designed according to the given design parameter. Thefeed system is working with the assistance of ball screw. The steped motor drove by deivecontrol system is drove by ball screw. through the use of functional and technical requeirements set reasonable structure,and through careful calculation by the parameters,and then select the required components and systems for the structural design.The simple NC CJK6032-lathe has variable speed which is accomplished by motor and frequency converter. In the end, the analysis on economic prove its reasonable to produce to CJK6032-lathe. Key words:Lathe;Ball Screw;Stepping motor;Variable Speed;Transmission system 第1章 绪 论 1.1课题研究的背景目的和意义 数控车床利用数字化的信息对车床运动及加工过程进行控制,是一种可编程的通用加工设备,能自动完成内外圆柱面、圆锥面、圆弧面、端面、螺纹等工序的切削加工,所以特别适合加工形状复杂的轴类和盘套类零件。与通用机床和专用机床相比,数控车床具有加工灵活、通用性强、能适应



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