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摘 要 随着经济全球化进程的加快,越来越的国外企业进入中国市场与本土企业争夺这块“大蛋糕”,国内企业面临着越发激烈的挑战。逆水行舟,不进则退不主动提高自身的技术、管理水平,形成核心竞争力,企业必将在市场洪流中消逝。因此,企业必须树立持续学习的理念,打造一支有本企业特色的、拥有先进管理理念的学习型管理队伍,才能在竞争激烈的市场中占有一席之地。建立与自身发展相适应的、科学有效的培训体系,正是打造这样一支队伍的前提条件。培训体系的建立可以将员工个人的职业发展目标与企业的战略发展目标统进行有机统一,在满足员工自我价值实现的同时为企业创造利润。 ZQ公司是台州市一家生产光学光电元器件的高科技公司。面对日益激烈的市场竞争,公司管理者已经意识到落后的管理水平严重制约了公司战略目标的实现。如何通过培训提高现有团队的知识、技能以适应公司发展的步伐提升整体效益,成了一个急需解决的问题。 本文从ZQ公司现有培训管理体系的发展现状出发,在充分分析国内外培训管理理念,引入先进的培训方法的前提下,通过问卷调查法、观察法、面谈法等手段,收集了ZQ公司的企业结构、人力资源管理和培训管理等方面的信息和数据,并借助EXCEL等数据分析工具对收集到的信息进行了分析处理,全面剖析了ZQ公司近年来的培训管理现状,找出了其中存在的阻碍培训效果的几个问题。本文最后结合培训的相关理论,按照培训的基本流程,提出了ZQ公司员工培训体系的改进方案,以期能对公司培训效率的提升有所助益。 关键词:培训;培训体系;需求分析;培训评估 Abstract As the development of economic and globalization, more and more foreign company enter the Chinese market and local companies for this Big cake, the domestic companies are faced with the challenge which is more intense. Who does not advance loses ground. Those company who Improve their technology and management level not actively will lose the market. Therefore, the companies must establish continuous learning concept, build a unique management team, ability in the fierce competition in the market place. Establish its own development, scientific and effective to adapt the training system, it is creating such a team the prerequisite. Training system can be set will employees personal career development goals and companys strategic development target for integration in the organic unity, meet employees self value realization for company to create profits at the same time. Zhejiang crystal photoelectric technology Co. LTD (hereafter referred to as ZQ company) is a production of optical photoelectric components of the high-tech companies in Taizhou. In the face of the fierce market competition, the company managers have realized backward management level severely restricts the company strategic target realization. How to improve the current through training team of knowledge and skills in order to adapt to the pace of deve



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