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挡环冲压模具设计 摘 要 冷冲压是在常温下使板料经分离或成形而得到制件的加工方法。冷冲压工艺是一种生产效率高、少切屑或无切屑的先进加工方法,在经济和技术方面都具有很多优点而冲压产品质量的好坏主要取决于冷冲压模具。模具可保证冲压产品的尺寸精度,使产品质量稳定,而且在加工中不破坏产品表面。本次设计是对给定的产品图进行冲裁模的设计。首先通过对进行零件分析,了解零件结构,并利用所学的绘图软件AutCAD和Pro.E进行二维零件图和三维零件图的绘制,然后通过所学的冲压课程的知识进行零件工艺性分析,设计出几套零件加工工序并进行分析,选择一套最合适的加工方案,最终选择了进行落料冲孔复合模的加工方案,确定加工工艺方案后,进行模具的设计,并通过计算选择合适的压力机。 关键词:冲压、落料冲孔复合模、倒装复合模 MACHINE COVER PLATE STAMPING MOLD DESIGN ABSTRACT Cold stamping is in room temperature makes the separation or sheet forming and get the processing method. Cold stamping process is a kind of high production efficiency, less scraps or no scraps of advanced processing methods in economic and technology has many advantages. Quality of products and stamping mould depends on cold stamping. The product can ensure stamping mould dimension accuracy, make the product quality is stable, but also in the process of product surface damage. This project is a blanking die design based on the original product.The design of the locking lever rider, components, and use of the structure of the drawing software AutCAD and Pro.E two-dimensional and three-dimensional drawing parts drawing, then through the course of stamping process analysis, knowledge parts design several sets of machining process and analysis, choose a suitable processing scheme, ultimately chose compound blank and pierce dies, the processing plan step after processing scheme, mold design, and choose the appropriate through calculation. KEY WORDS: tamping, composite modulus, compound blank and pierce dies, compound die is flip, process of analysis 目录 1 第1章 零件的工艺性分析 4 1.1 冲裁件的工艺性分析 4 1.1.1 冲裁件的工艺性 4 1.1.2 冲裁件结构的工艺要求 4 6 第3章 主要工艺参数计算 7 3.1 排样的设计与计算 7 3.1.1 排样的设计 7 3.1.2 合理搭边值及条料宽度的确定 7 3.1.3 计算送料步距和条料的宽度 8 3.1.4 材料的利用率(η) 8 3.2 冲压力的计算并初步选取压力机的吨位 9 3.2.1 冲裁力的计算 9 3.2.2 卸料力、推件力、顶件力和总冲压力的计算 10 3.2.3压力机公称压力的确定及初选压力机 11 3.3压力中心的确定 12 3.4 工作部分的尺寸计算 12 3.4.1 落料件尺寸计算 12 3.4.2 冲孔件尺寸计算 13 15 4.1 模具类型的选择 15 4.2 定位方式的选择 15 4.3 导向方式的选择 15


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