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摘 要 本设计的题目是灵新煤矿#14煤层开采设计,设计任务为灵新煤矿十四煤层年产300万吨地下开采初步设计。灵新煤矿位于宁夏回族自治区灵武市磁窑堡镇境内,井田至省府银川市50 km。灵新煤矿井田面积为12.8km2,可采厚度为7.55m,为缓倾斜煤层,煤层倾角小于11—17度,可采储量12671.55万吨。设计生产能力为300万吨/年,开采年限为30.17年。 设计采用竖井开拓,主井采用箕斗提升,副井采罐笼提升作为辅助运输设备。设计采煤方法是一次采全厚放顶煤开采,采区采用前进式开采。矿井通风采用中央并列式式布置,抽出式通风方法,水泵扬水排水配合自然排水的排水方式。 选用双滚筒采煤机型号MG360,低位放顶煤液压支架型号:EFS400~17/35。无轨胶轮车选用MWMD916~6型,选用62A14-11型扇风机,KFT22 局部扇风机。设计共完成说明书一本,图纸9张。 关键词:竖井开拓、采矿方法、放顶煤、矿井通风 Abstract The project topic is the new spirit of # 14 coal seam coal mine design, the design task for the spirit of the new annual output of 3 million tons coal mine 14 preliminary design of underground mining. New coal mine in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Ling Lingwu City ciyao Town of territory to the provincial capital of Yinchuan City, Ida 50 km. New Coal Mine area of spiritual 12.8km2, may take the thickness of 7.55m, for the slow seam, seam dip angle less than 11-17 degrees, recoverable reserves of 126,715,500 tons. Design capacity of 3 million tons / year, mining the age limit is 30.17 years. Designed with shaft development, the main shaft with skip hoisting, shaft mining as an auxiliary transport cage hoisting equipment. Design of coal mining is a full-thickness caving mining the area will adopt the forward-type mining. Parallel with the central ventilation type arrangement, exhaust ventilation methods, water pumps, pumping water with the natural drainage of the drainage way. Use double-drum shearer type MG360, low caving hydraulic model: EFS400 ~ 17/35. Rubber tire vehicle used MWMD916 ~ 6 type, choose 62A14-11-type fan, KFT22 local fan. A completed design specifications, drawings 5. Keywords: development, mining methods, caving, mine ventilation 目录 摘 要 1 第一章 矿区概况及井田地质特征 8 1.1矿区概况 8 1.1.1地理位置及交通情况 8 1.1.2地形地貌 8 1.1.3气象 9 1.2井田地质特征 9 1.2.1地层与主要构造 9 1.2.2煤质,煤种 9 1.2.3水文地质情况 10 1.3井田勘探程度 11 第二章 矿井储量、年产量及服务年限 12 2.1井田境界 12 2.1.1井田境界、边界范围,井田面积 12 2.2井田储量 12 2.2.1矿井工业储量 12 第三章 生产能力服务年限的确定 14 3.1 储量的确定 14 3.1.1 储量计算 14 3.1.2 储量分类 15 3.1.3 储量统计 1


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