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摘 要 冲压模具是实现冲压工艺的主要工艺装备,它直接影响到机电产品的质量、生产成本、更新周期及市场竞争能力。在国民经济中的重要地位,已越来越受到重视。 此课题主要对加工长孔圆垫片的冲压级进模进行设计,借助AutoCAD根据零件图的技术要求进行二维零件、装配图绘制,通过UG进行三维实体建模、实体装配以及生成爆炸图。 长孔圆垫片的分为道工序。的冲裁工艺性分析;工件的排样与搭边计算;冲压力及冲压中心的计算;模具主要零件的结构设计;对部件进行标准化的选用进行了详细的绘图。目前,模具零件大多已经标准化,设计时选用标准件,如模架,导柱、导套、上下模座等给设计带来很大的便利对凸模和凹模工作部分尺寸的计算,结构尺寸的设计。最后选择合适的压力机,保证必要的冲压力和合适的模具闭合高度。明确了设计思路,确定了冲压成型工艺过程,巩固和深化了所学知识Abstract Stamping die stamping process technology and equipment, it directly affects the quality of the mechanical and electrical products, production costs, the update cycle and market competitiveness. An important position in the national economy, more and more attention. This subject, mainly on the processing of long hole circle gasket stamping progressive die design, with the help of AutoCAD According to the technical requirements of the part drawing two-dimensional parts, assembly drawings, 3D solid modeling, entity through UG assembly and generate exploded diagram. Long hole circle gasket processing is divided into punching and blanking the two processes. According to the requirements of part dimensions, materials, mass production, the main design elements of the long hole circle gasket blanking process analysis; nesting of the workpiece and take the side of computing; red pressure and stamping centric computing; mold parts of the structure design; the selection of standardized components; a detailed drawing mold and parts. At present, the mold parts are mostly standardized, the design and selection criteria, such as mold, guide post, guide sleeve, the upper and lower mold base, etc. to design a great deal of convenience. Focus on the calculation on the part of the size of the punch and die work, the design of the structure size. Finally, choose a suitable press, to ensure the necessary punch pressure and the mold shut height. Clear design ideas, and to determine the metal forming process, consolidate and deepen the knowledge. Throughout the design process combined with professional knowledge, acces



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