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学 号__0810111079 毕 业 论 文(设计) 课 题 基于PC机的温湿度采集系统设计 学生姓名 系 别 机械工程系 专业班级 2008级 机械设计制造及自动化专业(1)班 指导教师 二 O一二年 六 月 基于PC机的温湿度采集系统设计 摘 要 文章以家居室和办公室环境等较小空间作为研究对象,介绍了温湿度数据采集系统的设计过程。详细介绍了温湿度测量电路以及PC机外围电路的设计,软件流程及汇编语言源程序的计。该方法可以提高系统的开发效率、缩短周期和降低成本。为PC机系统的开发提供了手段。结果表明:该系统可以实现温湿度数据的采集、处理、实时显示、开关量的控制输出及系统键盘设置等功能。同时用DS18B20作为温度传感器,用HS1101作为湿度传感器连接PC机,实现问湿度采集以及PC机间的数据通讯。 本文简要介绍了沮度传感器DSl8B20的特性及工作原理,给出了DSl8B20、HS1101与单片机、单片机与PC机间的接线图,并介绍了知何实现温湿度度采集以及与PC机间的数据通讯。PC可把接收到的单片机采集到的温度数据进行合理处理并实时显示,具有一定的推广价值。 关键词:温度、湿度、PC机、DS18B20、HS1101 Design of Temperature and Humidity Acquisition System Based On PC Abstract The design process of temperature and humidity data acquisition system are introduced in this paper which takes a family room and office environment, small space as the research object. Detailed introduced the temperature and humidity measurement circuit and PC peripheral circuit design, software process and assembly language the source program plan. The method can improve the efficiency of system development, shorten the period and reduce the cost. As the PC system was developed to provide a means of. The results show that: the system can achieve the temperature and humidity data acquisition, processing, real-time display, switching quantity output and control system keyboard settings and other functions. At the same time using DS18B20 as temperature sensor, humidity sensor connected with HS1101 as PC, realize ask humidity acquisition and PC machine data communication. This paper briefly introduced the stop sensor DSl8B20 characteristics and working principle, is given by DSl8B20, HS1101 and SCM, SCM and PC machine wiring diagram, and introduces how to realize the temperature / humidity acquisition and data communication between PC machine. PC received SCM collected temperature data processing and real-time display, has certai


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