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郑州大学西亚斯国际学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 数字式温度控制器设计 指导老师 职称 教授 学生姓名 学号 2 专 业 电子信息工程 班级 嵌入式(1)班 院 (系) 电子信息工程学院电子工程系 完成时间 2012年4月20日 数字式温度控制器设计 摘 要 温度测量与控制在工业、农业、国防等行业有着广泛的应用。利用单片机技术的温度测控系统以其体积小,可靠性高而被广泛采用。本文对该测控系统进行了分析设计。 首先,本文针对系统所使用的单片机的性能和发展情况做了简单介绍;对测量温度在-55~125℃之间的测温元件DS18B20做了介绍。 其次,本文重点对测控硬件、软件的组成进行了分项、模块化逐步分析设计。对各部分的电路一一进行了介绍,最终实现了该系统的硬件电路。绘制了电路原理图,绘制了印制电路板图,并在电路板图的基础上焊接了元件,完成了硬件电路的焊接和调试。根据硬件的设计和测控系统所要实现的功能,本设计对软件也进行了一一设计,并经过反复的模拟运行、调试,修改简化了软件系统,最后形成了一套完整的程序系统。 关键词 单片机/DS18B20/数码管 DESIGN OF DIGITAL TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER ABSTRACT The temperature survey and the control in profession and so on industry, agriculture, national defense has the widespread application. Using monolithic integrated circuit technology temperature observation and control system by its volume small, the reliability is high but is widely used. This article has carried on the analysis design to this observation and control system. First, this article the monolithic integrated circuit performance and the development situation which used in view of the system has made the simple introduction; Meanwhile to surveyed the temperature to make the introduction in -55 ~125℃ between integration constant flow temperature element DS18B20. Next, this article key to observed and controlled the hardware, the software composition carries on the sub-item, the modulation has analyzed the design gradually. Has carried on the introduction to each part of electric circuits, finally has realized this system hardware electric circuit. Has drawn up the electric circuit schematic diagram, has drawn up the printed circuit board chart, and will make in the line board welding the part, has completed the hardware debugging. Function must realize which according to the hardware design and the observation and control system, this design has also carried on designs to


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