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摘 要 系统的介绍了槽上自动控制监控系统,考虑到工业生产实际情况,以工业现场常见的还原炉为主体,硬件组态使用西门子300PLC,控制卸料小车在生产轨道上的动作,生产轨道上设有槽位信号检测装置,当送料信号来时,判断矿料品种及其对应的槽位号,记录小车的实际位置并根据目标位置,和实际位置比较后实现卸料小车前进和后退运动方向的自动控制。该系统共有两条胶带机和两辆卸料小车,一条胶带机和一辆卸料小车做为一套送料系统,两套系统分为南北方向各自独立运行分别为六个矿槽布料,槽满停止布料,小车运动不能突破左右极限位置,都能实现上位机的集中控制及机旁控制,同时也实现了冶金现场的胶带机和卸料小车的配合控制,使用Step7编写槽上系统的自动控制系统,同时使用WINCC设计一个槽上的监控查询系统,界面简洁,美观,便于操作。 关键词:西门子PLC-300;胶带机;卸料小车;槽位 Abstract The system is introduced in the slot automatic control monitoring system ,considering the industrial production practice, with the industrial site common reduction furnace as the main body, hardware configuration use Siemens 300 PLC, control in production material unloading car track on the movement, the production orbit has slots signal detection device, when feeding signal came when the judge mineral aggregate species and their corresponding to the number of slots, record the actual position and car according to the target position, and the actual position is realized, and the unloading the car back and forward movement of the direction of automatic control. The system has two tape machine and two cars article unloading the small car, a tape machine and a car unloading as a set of feed system car, two sets of system is divided into north and south direction operated independently were six ore slot cloth, tank full stop cloth, car movement about not break through limit position, can realize the PC of centralized control and the machine control, but also to achieve the metallurgy the tape machine and unloading the car with control, using Step7 write slot system automatic control system, at the same time use to design a slot on WINCC monitoring of the inquiry system, the interface is simple and beautiful, it is easy to operate. Key words: Siemens PLC-300; tape machine; unloading the small car; slots 目 录 1 序言 1 1.1 西门子PLC系统概述 1 1.2 可编程控制器的产生 2 1.3 可编程控制器的分类 4 1.4 可编程控制器的特点 6 1.5 PLC的主要功能 9 2 WinCC 11 2.1 WinCC的概述 11 2.2 WinCC和Windows 11 2.3 WinCC主要功能概述 13 3.系统功能设计 14 3.1设计的具体任务 14


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