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题 目: 西宁安居园小区物业管理系统设计
姓 名: 炜
学 号:
指 导 教 师:
专 业 年 级: 信息管理与信息系统
所在学院和系: 财经学院管理科学与工程系
完 成 日 期: 2012年5月28日
答 辩 日 期: 2012年6月12
摘 要
系统主要功能有:住户资料管理、投诉管理、报修管理、缴费管、住户停车管理。计算机系统来对小区物业管理已经成了必要。利用网络和数据库技术,结合目前硬件价格普遍下跌与宽带网大力建设的有利优势,应用Active Server Page技术和采用Access数据库系统组件来构成考试的应用服务系统,开发了基于B/S模式多用户小区物业系统这一程序。它运用方便、操作简单,效率很高。系统界面设计大方、简洁、实用,操作简单方便。在功能方面,可以对住户、房产资料进行记录,对业主的投诉的处理进行记录处理,对住户的水电煤气等交费进行管理,保修进行处理以及对小区车辆及管理要能进行登记,实现房产、客户等小区的智能化管理。
Design of Xining AnJuYuan residential property management system
The main functions of the system are: household data management, complaint management, repair management, payment tube, residents parking management. Computer systems to the residential property management has become necessary. Network and database technology, combined with the favorable advantage of the hardware prices generally fall and the strong construction of broadband networks, applications of Active Server Page technology and the Access database system components to form the examination application system, the development of multi-user based on the B / S mode residential property system in this process. It to use, easy to operate with high efficiency. System interface design is elegant, simple, practical, and easy operation. In terms of functionality, you can record, tenants, real estate information on the handling of complaints of the owners of record processing, management of household utilities and other payment, warranty processing and to be able to register on the district vehicles and management, to achieve real estate customers, such as the intelligent management of the district.
Keyword:Residential area, the network and database technology, p