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摘 要 我国沥青混凝土路面占公路总里程的90﹪以上。但是,沥青路面在使用过程中由于路基不稳和沥青本身的疲劳,经常会产生坑槽、裂缝、壅包、啃边和松散剥落等种种路病。以往对沥青路面修补采用镐头、铁锹,效率低、质量差、养护工人工作条件差。随着全球公路建设的飞速发展,越来越多地使用机械化挖补,能完成旧路面的破碎,沥青混凝土的输送,沥青(或乳化沥青)的喷洒及路面的压实等工艺要求,以保证道路维修质量,改善养护工人工作条件,提高工作效率和经济效益。 LDY-40道路养护工程车的铣刨系统是本次设计的题目,它是在总结以前各种沥青路面修补机械的修补工艺、传动方式、加热及保温设备技术经验的基础上设计的。同时,设备的装配,拆卸,维修及操作也十分方便,对环境的污染也很小。 关键词:沥青混凝土路面,道路养护工程车,铣刨系统 Abstract Asphalt concrete pavement in China accounted for more than 90% of total mileage. However, the process in the use of asphalt pavement subgrade instability and pitch itself as the fatigue, often have pits, cracks, obstruct package, gnawing edges and loose all the way diseases Use of asphalt pavement repair the past, pick axes, shovels, low efficiency, poor quality, maintenance workers, poor working conditions. With the rapid development of global road construction, increasing use of mechanized , to complete the old broken pavement, asphalt concrete delivery, asphalt and road spray process requirements such as compaction, to ensure the quality of road maintenance to improve the conservation Working conditions of workers, increase efficiency and economic benefits. Road Maintenance Truck of the milling system is the subject of this design, it is summed up in a variety of asphalt pavement repair machinery before the repair process, transmission, heating and insulation equipment technology based on the experience design. Meanwhile, equipment assembly, disassembly, maintenance and operation is also very convenient, pollution of the environment is very small. Key Words: Asphalt concrete pavement,Road Maintenance Truck,the milling system 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1概述 1 1.2铣刨机国内外的发展状况 1 2铣刨装置的设计计算 3 2.1铣刨装置概述 3 2.2铣削转子的设计计算 3 2.2.1结构 3 2.2.2刀具布置 3 2.2.3 铣刨鼓的设计计算 6 2.2.4 铣刨轮装配设计 9 2.3 铣刨轮轴的设计计算 10 2.3.1 选择材料及热处理方式 10 2.3.2 结构设计 10 2.3.4 键的选取及校核 12 2.3.5 轴承的选取及寿命计算 14 2.3.6 轴的校核 15 2.3.7 滚动轴承的润滑与密封 16 3 铣刨轮传动系统设计 17 3.1 述概 17 3.2 设计计算 17 3.3 链传动的校核 19 3.3.1 滚子链的静强度校核 19 3.3.2 滚子链



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