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题 目: 小区集中供热温度自动
学 院:工程学院
专 业: 电气工程及其自动化
学生姓名: XXX
指导教师: XXX
毕业设计(论文)时间:摘 要
随着人民生活水平的提高, 工作节奏的加快,使得集中供暖在全国大部分地区,特别是各大中城市的小区之中,逐步发展了起来在新时代背景下的小区住户, 对小区供暖系统的设计提出了人性化、智能化、数字化以及高能低耗等更全面的要求。
本设计就采用单片机完成供暖系统的自动控制与远程控制,同时节约了能源。整个设计可分为安装在主管道的主管道控制系统和安装在建筑物内的房内控制系统两部分。两个控制系统基本上主要由CPU主板、其他的外围电路组成以及电阀组成。CPU主板主要实现温度采集、处理,压力、流量的测量,存储、驱动控制、报警、等功能。E58单片机作为控制装置的核心,实现整个装置的自动化控制。一方面硬件设计中论述了控制器中基本模块比方说温度检测电路所需的DS18B20、扩展I/O口所用的8255以及变流器所用的AD694等芯片的型号以及功能介绍。重点阐述了的工作原理、之间的接口、数据传递、通信协议。该系统采用单片机。关键词: ,,
With the improvement of peoples living standard, the accelerating pace of work, make the central heating in most parts of the country, especially each are big in city area, the progressive development of the up in the background of the new era of residential households, to the district heating system design put forward humanized intelligent digital and high energy low, more comprehensive requirements.
This design uses the MCU to complete the automatic control of heat supply system with remote control, while saving energy. The design can be divided into the main pipeline installation in the main pipeline control system and installed in buildings room control system two parts. Two control system basically consists of the CPU motherboard, other peripheral circuit and electric valve. CPU motherboard main temperature acquisition, processing, pressure, flow measurement, storage, control, alarm, and other functions.
The article uses the 77E58 single chip microcomputer as the core control device, realize the whole automation control. A hardware design discusses the controller basic module for example temperature detection circuit for DS18B20, I/O expansion port with 8255and converter using the AD694 chip type and function. Expounds the principle, and various functions of the interface between, extension, data transmission, communication protocol and drive. On the other