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Introduced the design of automated warehouses automatic tray screw-driven mechanical design of the basic structure and working principle. It uses mechanical and electrical control devices combine the entrance of the location of warehouses and warehouses have been put in a good tray (including goods) and into the lift out of action the Treasury to keep warehouse, semi-automatic check. The use of lift on the motor and reducer driven screw-driven device for rotation of the screw, so that nut for linear motion, and the pull rod is fixed on the nut, so the use of pull between the rod and the role of tray to achieve the tray lifts out of the library, the access speed of about 10 meters / minutes. In addition, the design is also applied to the electromagnet and close to switch, in order to make the system screw drive mechanism and the pull rod to achieve accurate docking tray to tray and out of the library more efficient and accurate. The semi-automatic control equipment for the weight of about 16kg of inbound cargo through the control panel buttons to operate the equipment, its structure is simple, convenient and practical.
Keywords: Automatic tray; screw driver; pull rod; mechanical design
摘要 I
Abstract II
绪论 1
第一章 总体方案设计 2
第二章 托盘机构设计 3
2.1 托盘主体设计 3
2.2 托盘轴的设计 3
2.3 托盘上轮子的设计 4
2.4 托盘上拉扣的设计 4
2.5 托盘上各附件设计 5
2.5.1 滚动轴承 5
2.5.2 螺纹连接 5
2.5.3 垫片及附件的设计 6
第三章 丝杆驱动系统机构设计 8
3.1 丝杆螺母副的设计 8
3.1.1 丝杆的设计 8
3.1.2 螺母的设计 9
3.2 底座的设计 9
3.3 前后端盖的设计 10
3.4 滚动轴承的选择 11
3.5 导轨的设计 11
3.6 拔杆的设计 12
3.7 丝杆驱动上附件的设计 12
第四章 电气控制过程简述 15
第五章 结论 17
致谢 19
参考文献 20
附录一 驱动系统装配图 21
附录二 托盘装配图 22
附录三 拔杆零件图 23
附录四 轮子
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