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降压药物研究新进展 摘 要 高血压病是最常见的心血管病,是全球范围内的重大公共卫生问题。NEW PROGRESS OF ANTIHYPERTNSIVE DRUGS ABSTRACT Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular disease worldwide, is the major public health problem. In this paper the drug treatment for hypertension are discussed systematically. Hypertension vasoactive drugs is the indications and ideal antihypertensive medication classification and present application situation and antihypertensive drug selection are discussed. Advisory certificate of medical data indicates that the long-term prognosis to improve hypertension patients often require lifelong taking most of medication, and most need to take two more antihypertensive drugs. According to the actual situation of patients with scientific and reasonable use antihypertensive drugs, in order to improve the effect of long-term treatment with the largest compliance and lower side effects of the drug, this paper summarizes the antihypertensive drug use is provided.on the new progresses and research. Hypertension is not a simple hemodynamic abnormalities, is accompanied by a variety of material such as fat, sugar metabolism obstacles syndrome. During therapy cant confined to reduce blood pressure also consideration should be given to both target organs such as the heart, brain, kidney adverse to reshape, still should correct other metabolic disorders, this is to reduce cardiovascular complications and mortality in the correct key, used antihypertensive medication at the same time not increase cardiovascular risk factors, better improve the patients quality of life. The article will step-down medicaments development history, classification, clinical application, adverse reactions and prevention and step-down medicaments new research are reviewed in this paper. Key words: Hypertension, treatment principles, clinical applications, anti-hypertension drugs 1降压药物发展历史 最早的降压药主要是减少钠和体液潴留,降低血容量而使血压下降,这类药主要是利尿降压药。其中最主要的是噻嗪类,有氢氯噻嗪、氯噻嗪、氯噻酮等。它们能减轻左心室肥大(LVH)。此外还有吲哒帕胺,它不属于噻嗪类,具有利尿和拮抗钙离子作用。以双氢克


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