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摘要 随着水产养殖业的不断发展,养殖密度不断加大一味追求高产高效的养殖措施对养殖水环境Abstract Along with the development of aquaculture, increasing the breeding density, devotion to high yield and high efficiency water aquaculture environment of breeding measures did a lot of pollution, Among them are a low concentration of water fish ponds, lead to a lack of oxygen fish to death。To solve the problem of oxygen pool water fish ponds, most of the fish ponds are used for feed machine to provide more oxygen fish ponds pond water soluble in water, and fish ponds machine can support is random or regular work, the traditional manual control machines work use very time-consuming, this needs the single chip microcomputer control system to control the timing machine work time, improve the work efficiency。 This article mainly introduced the single chip microcomputer controller hardware design process of timing, microcontroller as the main control devices, is the core of the whole system, have main control function; The clock chips for system carry empty a digital clock, the realization of the function of timing to rely on it; LCD module for systems show provide vehicle. Key words : Aquaculture; vital water concentration ;SCM timing control system;lock chip;LCD module 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 1 绪论 1 1.1 引言 1 1.1.1 单片机定时控制设计要求 1 2 元器件选择 2 2.1 单片机选择 2 2.1.1 功能特性描述 2 2.1.2 引脚结构 2 2.1.3 功能介绍 3 2.1.4 复位信号及其产生 4 2.2 显示元器件选择 5 2.2.1 引脚功能说明 5 2.3 计时芯片选择 6 2.3.1 引脚的功能介绍 7 2.3.2 读写时序说明 8 3 硬件系统结构 10 3.1 系统设计思路 10 3.2 最小单片机系统 11 3.3 时钟模块电路 11 3.4 键盘接口电路 12 3.5 电源电路 12 3.6 系统总硬件框图 14 4 软件设计 16 4.1 软件设计原则 16 4.2 系统功能模块图 16 4.3 程序流程图 17 4.4 源程序代码 17 5 毕业设计总结 36 6 结束语 37 参考文献 38 附录一 39 附录二 40 致谢 41 1 绪论 1.1 引言 中国水产养殖经过改革开放以来的高速发展,鱼塘养殖也快速发展,为满足水产品供应需求,产量不断增加,养殖密度增大。而由于鱼塘池水不流动,养殖密度增加的同时,致使水中含氧量不足,导致鱼类缺氧死亡,早成重大经济损失。目前国内鱼塘养殖为解决池水中氧气不足,大都使用供养机器增加水中养浓度。供养机器长时间不间断的工作会造成机器的严重损坏,也会造成资源浪费。而依靠人工控制机器工作费时费力,造成劳力浪费。鱼塘池水缺氧一般在黎明前后兼容MCS51指令系统 可反复擦写Flash R


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