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摘 要 本设计名为XXX购物商场,拟建于XX省XX市,建筑面积为12441.6平方米。建筑主体为4层,总高度18.60米,首层高5.1米,其它层高4.5米。主体采用了矩形框架结构。 本设计的内容包括建筑设计和结构设计两部分。 建筑设计部分包括:平面图设计、立面图设计、剖面图设计。平面设计中考虑了高层建筑对防火及抗震的要求;立面设计中考虑了商业建筑的特点。建筑设计合理,满足建筑功能要求。 结构设计阶段进行了结构平面布置、估算截面尺寸、荷载计算、风荷载和地震作用下的侧移验算、竖向荷载作用下的内力计算、内力组合及构件设计等工作,并完成了结构设计说明及有关图纸的绘制。在计算方法上,对于水平地震作用采用底部剪力法;对于竖向荷载采用弯矩二次分配法;内力组合参照规范和混凝土课本设计与计算。 关键词:中型商场;建筑;框架结构;桩基础 Abstract This design named Hong Yun shopping square,plans to construct at Heilongjiang Province Suihua,the floor space is 12441.6 square meters.The construction main body is 4,the gross altitude are 18.60meters,The first building store height 5.1 meters,other building store height 4.5 meters,The main body has used the rectangle portal frame construction. This design content including architectural design and structural design two parts. The following work is done in the architectural design: the plane design, the elevation design and the section design. During the plane design, considering the demands of earthquake resistance and fire resistance; in the elevation design, considering the office building characteristic. The architecture design is reasonable and satisfies the construction’s function request. The structural design stage has carried on the structure plane arrangement,the estimate section size,the load computation,the wind load and under the earthquake function side moves work and so on under checking calculation,vertical load function endogenic force computation,endogenic force combination and component design,and has completed the structural design explanation and the related blueprint plan.In the computational method,uses the base shearing force law regarding the horizontal earthquake function,Uses the bending moment two methods of distribution regarding the vertical load,Endogenic force combination reference standard and concrete textbook design and computation. Key words: Medium-sized market ; Building; Frame structure; Stake foundation 前 言 在大学的四年里,我学习了材料力学、结构力学、岩土力学、混凝土及砌



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