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( 2010) 0420021205 2010 ( 30 ) 4 CH INA SPORT SCIENCE Vol. 30, No. 4, 212 25, 2010. 职业体育俱乐部体育竞争与经济收益关系研究 An alysi s on th e Tr ansf or mation of Spor ts Comp etition an d Economic Comp et iti on in Pr ofession al Sp ort s Clubs , , LI Ji ng2 f n, ZHAN G B o2hu , CAI Yong2m o : , , , ; ; ; , ( ) , ; , , : ; ; ; ; Abstr act : It is of gr e t signific nce to study sports competition nd economic compet ition for it contributes to the improvement of the economic v lue of sports. By dopting lit er ture r eview nd logic l n lysis, t his p per n lyzes the connot t ion, rel tionship, nd tr nsform tion of sports compet ition nd economic competition , b sed on the t heories of economics nd sports. The result shows th t sports compet ition nd econom ic competition r e the r eflection of the v lue nd use v lue of g me, being the two sides of n issue. Economic competition is b sed on t he sports compet ition of e ch clubs . Sports compet ition nd economic competition re es2 senti lly closely r el ted. Economic income is ch nged with the ch nge of competit ive b l nce. The m ximum income is r e lized when the sport s competition is most b l nced. The v lue be2 tween sports competition nd economic income depends on the number of elite pl yers . T ot l cost is incre sed with the incre se of elite pl yer s. Key wor ds : P r of ession


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