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中 文 摘 要 本次毕业设计(论文)的题目为:货车滚动轴承热轴故障分析及解决措施策 我国目前拥有各型铁路货车约40多万辆,随着铁路货车向重载、高速方向发展以及车辆使用率的提高,车辆运用中出现的车辆故障日益突出,特别是滚动轴承故障的大幅度增加,使运用部门做好滚动轴承的防燃工作成为一项重要的攻关课题滚动轴承是密封式结构,如何在日常检查中及时准确地发现故障,并 China currently has about 40 more various railroad freight railway wagon, along with million cars to override, high-speed direction and increased utilization of vehicles, vehicle in use the vehicle failure also appear in have become increasingly prominent, especially the rolling bearing fault increase in, make use of rolling bearing departments in densely inhabited areas, fire and prevent cut work to become a important research project. Rolling bearings is sealed structure in daily examination, how to accurately found fault, and effectively prevent the rolling bearing fault, ensure safety unblocked this topic is in front of us. Railroad freight is the railway freight transport vehicle for, rolling bearing, wheel railway wagon go line department is in an important and are interchangeable parts, its technical status directly affect the safety operation of the vehicles. After years of large-scale trucks transformation, railway wagon bearing has basically achieved rolling optimization, rolling bearing fault has become a railway transport unblocked and influence the key factors of production safety. The correct analysis and judgment treatment happens in train team rolling bearing fault, reduce stop ShuaiChe, prevent burning halfway cut shaft accident, which is listed the important functions of the detection. This article through to rolling bearing structure, working principle and hot box detection using column reason analysis, how to conduct by identifying and dealing with experience, rolling bearing hot shaft for truck fault and according to the characteristics of repair work puts forward concrete Suggestions for improvement. 目 录 第一章 当前运输形势分析…………………………..…………………….………………..1 1.1 运输形势……………………………………...………………….………………….1 1.1.1 牵引吨位的增加…………………………………………….…...…………..1 1.1.2 列车运行速度的提高………………


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