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摘 要 在汽车设计时,为了使其具有转向轻便、准确和行使稳定的性能,在转向轮上设计有专项定位参数,但在汽车使用过程中,由于车架、转向机构的变形与磨损,很容易造成这些定位参数失准,导致汽车行驶时转向车轮向前滚动的同时产生滑移现象,即车轮侧滑。车轮侧滑会造成滚动阻力增加、行驶方向稳定性变差、轮胎磨损加剧、运行油耗增加以及转向沉重等现象,影响汽车的使用性能和经济性能,且容易造成行车事故。为了防止定位参数变形过量,保障车辆行驶安全,国家标准规定,车轮侧滑量应小于或等于5 m/ km。所以,定期对汽车转向轮侧滑量进行检测,发现问题及时排查,对汽车的使用性能和经济性能具有重要意义。 针对汽车侧滑试验台的应用工况,提出检测智能仪表应具备的功能和主要技术指标。设计了一种新型侧滑检测系统,并给出其工作原理、硬件构成设计方法。通过输入、输出电路和单片机构成的系统,把直线位移传感器输出的信号转化成对应的侧滑量,并具有显示和报警提示。测量系统也可通过串行口把测量的结果发送到上位机上。 该文介绍了采用计算机技术检测汽车前轮侧滑量的方法和工作原理,着重讨论了检测系统的硬件设计,这种设计较好地解决了动态检测过程中测量速度与测量精度之间的矛盾。本设计以MCS—51单片机为核心,配有少量外围电路,集自动检测、判别、报警及数显于一体,具有精度高、速度快、体积小、造价低、稳定可靠等特点。 关键词 侧滑;位移传感器;单片机;动态检测;串行通信 Design of Car skidding measurement system Abstract In automotive design, in order to make it to the light, accurate and stable perfor- mance of the steering wheel on the design parameters of the special positioning, but in the process of the use of motor vehicles,trailers because,to the deformation and wear, it is easy to create these parameters positioning inaccurate,resulting in a moving car steering wheels rolling forward at the same time have a slip phenomenon, that is, the wheels spin. Wheel spin will cause rolling resistance increased,on the direction of stability deteriorate, tire wear intensified, running a heavy fuel consumption to increase, and such phenomena, the impact of the use of vehicle performance and economic performance, and likely to cau- setraffic accidents. In order to prevent excessive deformation positioning parameters, tr- affic safety protection, national standards require that the spin of the wheel should be less than or equal to 5 m / km. Therefore, regular car to spin round of testing, investigation and found problems in a timely fashion, the cars performance and economic performance is of great signifycance. Car skidding test-bed for the application of conditions,intelligent instruments to detect the expected functions and the main technical indicators. Design a new spin detec- tion system, and gives its working principles,hardware



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