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多层砖混结构住宅设计 中文摘要 本工程为多层砖混民用住宅。建筑层数为六层、建筑高度为20.38m,基底占地面积为574.33㎡、总建筑面积3470.0㎡。抗震设防烈度7度、场地类别为Ⅱ类,结构设计使用年限为50年。本工程为二类建筑,耐火等级为二级,工程±0.00同绝对标高13.38m。 结构设计依据国家相关规范进行:计算各楼板和屋面板的恒荷载,同时确定活载值。根据荷载设计值计算出楼面和屋面的配筋。将板上均布荷载传给各墙,然后根据各墙所受荷载及墙体自重,验算墙体抗压承载力。根据抗震设防数据及结构重力荷载代表值,计算出水平地震作用下的各墙承担的剪力,并验算墙体的抗剪承载力。计算出各段基础上部荷载,并由此确定基础类型和配筋。  经过验算,该结构符合安全性、可靠性要求。 [关键词]:砖混结构、承载力、构造措施、基础设计 Abstract This engineering is a multistory building. It is a brick and concrete mixed structure. The building has six tiers,building height is 20.38m. Gross building area is 574.33m2,total floor space is 3470.0m2. Intensity of anti-seismic de--fence is establishe to 7 degree. The field(s classification isⅡ.The structureis designed to use 50 years.The engineering is the second type building,itsrefractory ranks the second grade.The engineering(s designed elevation is equal to 13.38 of absolute elevation . Structural design accords to the national special codes: first of all,we calcu--late each floor and roof(s dead live of slab,and carry live load at same time.According to computation of design load,we can design the concrete reinforcement of floor and roof. Transfer the uniform loading to each wall,than according to the load that wall suffer and self-weight ,we can check the wall(s compressive bearing capacity.According to the data of anti-seismic defence and structural representative value of gravity load ,each wall(s shear force can be worked out,than we can check the wall(s shear bearing capacity.Compute the load that base bear,than according to computation ,we can fix the base form and calculate the concrete reinforcement.   This structure accords with the safety and reliablity request by checking. [KEY WORDS]:brick and concrete mixed structure、 bearing capacity、Construct the measre、foundation design 目 录 前 言 1 1.概述: 1 2.毕业设计的目的和意义: 1 3.毕业设计的内容: 2 4.毕业设计的基本要求: 2 第1章 建筑设计部分 3 1.1 设计依据: 3 1.2 建筑设计说明: 4 1.2.1 平面设计: 5 1.2.2 剖面设计: 6 1.2.3 立面设计: 6 1.2.4 构造和建筑设计措施: 7 1.3结构方案的选择 8 1.3.1 结构体系选择: 8 1.3.2 楼、屋盖结构方案:


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