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浅议高等学校贫困生认定问题 作者:乔蕊 指导教师:卢新生 【摘 要】:高校贫困生在高等院校中是引起我们特别关注的一个特殊群体,国家和社会对此给予了充分的关注和支持,不断加大对高校贫困生的资助和救助。笔者认为做好贫困生资助工作的关键在于贫困生的认定,因此本文在对当前贫困生认定的现状、存在的问题及产生的原因进行分析的基础上,运用理论分析与规范相结合的方法,通过运用定性与定量相结合的方法,提供了一套贫困认定指标体系,提出建立监督与责任追究机制,建立权利与义务对等的受助模式,以期建立一整套“多管齐下、软硬兼施、硬性量化、软性约束”的高校贫困认定工作新机制,以达到为高校贫困认定工作提供一套参考机制,以使有限的资助资源得到最有效的利用。 【关 键 词】:贫困生认定现状 常见方法及主要程序 现存问题  优化建议 On the issue of poor college students cognizancing Qiao Rui (College of Economics and Management Northwest A&F University,Yangling Shanxi 712100) Abstract:Poor college students is a special group in colleges and universities for us, and always be given a particular cocern. Our national and community has given adequate attention and support to them , something like increasing the foundation of poor college students. I believe that doing a good job of college students cognizancing is the key to the foundation establishment of poor students. So the paper first anysises the existing status and problems of poor coolege students cognizancing ,as well as the resons of the problems. It combines standard research with爐heoretical analysisd , qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis to do the work. It provide us a set of poverty identifing system. The establishment of supercision and responsibility clacking mechanism is necessary, too.It also needs establish a recipients model of equality between rigts and duty .Accroding to this,we should establish a new set of multi-pronged , to be flexible and rigidly both, quantiative in hardness and restraint softlyto identity poor students.we only want to provide us a new referencing mechanism for the cognizance of the students.Make efficient use of limited resources is our best wishes. key words: the status of poor students cognizancing; common methods and procedures for major; the existing problems; optimization suggestion 目 录 中文摘要 1 Abstract 2 一、我国高校贫困生的现状 3 二、高等学校贫困生认定的常见方法及主要认定程序 4 (一)我国高等学校贫困认定的常见方法 4 5 三、贫困生认定中存在的问题 6 四、造成上述现象的原因分析 7 (一)贫困生衡量标准没有一个具体的量化指标 7 (二


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