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境 外 来 访 专 家 学 术 报 告 报告题目 ATLAS: Preparing for Physics after the LHC Restart 报告时间 2009.10.30 14:00 报告地点 近代物理系210 学术报告厅 报告摘要 The lecture presents the current status of the ATLAS high-energy physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider LHC and information about its revised schedule and running plans. It covers the ATLAS experiment in some detail including the impact of the prodigious amount of data multiple Petabytes that it will produce each year. It also discusses work that has been ongoing at the University of Michigan, and elsewhere, to prepare for our physics program after the LHC restart. Because of the large size of ATLAS, its global distribution and the huge amount of data produced, networks and their effective use, are a critical aspect of this preparation. It will cover the various research projects that have an intersection between the network and high-energy physics and conclude with the outlook for the mid November LHC turn-on given our preparations to-date.” 报告人 Shawn P. McKee 报告人简介:⑴、现在工作单位及职称 ⑵、主要研究方向 ⑶、学术成就简述(100字以内) Shown P. McKee教授,系密歇根大学安娜堡分校毕业博士,现为SI助理兼物理研究科学家,主要研究方向为粒子物理。曾任美国ATLAS网格构建协同实验室组织者和主要监督员(2003.02),密歇根大学网络基础设施计划委员会委员(2006-2007秋)。 接待单位联系人: 张水晶 电话:座机电话号码 主办单位: 物理 学院, 外办(港澳台办) 境外来访专家学术报告表填写好后,请用E-mail发给外办(港澳台办)陈雪梅老师处。Email: xuemei@ustc.edu.cn 电话:座机电话号码


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