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Teacher’s Words Welcome to Our Class! What is the course? 3. Why learn the course? 4. How to learn? 5. Warm-up! Questionnaire What do you think will be covered in the course? What do you expect from such a course? Introduction to the course It is about language and culture. Enjoy reading newspapers and magazines in English. Get to know the knowledge of the world. Objectives: Improve reading skills Enrich knowledge Contents Journalism in the USA and UK Major newspapers and magazines in the USA Major newspapers and magazines in the UK Some news agencies Features of News English Learning Methods Learning materials Requirements Textbook 《英语热点时文阅读》 上海科技教育出版社 Reference books Dictionaries The Basic Terms in Journalistic English What is Journalistic English? Journalistic English aims at the study of English Newspapers, Periodicals, Radio, Television and other media of communication. What is Journalism ? Journalism means gathering, evaluating, and disseminating (散布,传播)facts of current interest. Journalist Journal News The Two Essential Skills in Journalistic English The Knowledge of the World The Knowledge of the language The Two Essential Skills in Journalistic English 学习英语必须有基本功,新闻英语也不例外。新闻阅读必须打好的两项基本功,具体而言: 一、 新闻词语 We don’t study New Words, we study New Meanings. 新闻语言与我们在过去所学的规范语言不完全相同。以前所学的内容大多是关于学习和人生哲理的一些故事,一般人对新闻语言比较陌生,词义面也比较窄: 请大家看看下一页的英汉对照是否正确: The Two Essential Skills in Journalistic English “跑” “竞赛” “汁”、 “措施”、 “发言人”、 “炮舰”、 “建立”、 “散步”、 “去钓鱼”、 “干”、 “湿”、 “他眨眼睛” “我是一个有家室的人” run, race, juice, measure, Speaker, gunship, establishment, take a walk, go fishing, dry, wet, He blinked I’m a family man The Right Meaning in Journalistic English “竞选”、 “竞选”、 “权力、权势、活力、生机、精力、劲头”、 “议案”、 “议长”、 “武装直升机”、 “权势集团”、 “退党”、 “与党离心离德”、 英国保守党中的“强硬派” 英国保守党中的“温和派” “他顶不住而退让了” 我有家庭责任感,引申为“我是一个治家有方,治国有道的人” run, race, juice, measure, Speaker, gunship, establishment, take a walk, go fishing, dry, wet, He blinked I’m a family man Occupation of


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