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Post Natal Post Traumatic Stress Disorder What is it?? Causes Mode of Delivery Fear for child’s life and mother’s own life Lack of Control Previous traumatic event “The midwife was listening for my babys heartbeat and asking me what was wrong then she panicked. ‘The heartbeats too low we have to get this baby out now, your blood pressure is too high, we need to get a drip into you……you are going to bleed too much.’ She was so unprofessional I completely freaked out and was screaming out for help. My mum and husband were panicking too although they were telling me that everything was okay and that it’d be alright but I could tell that something was wrong. …..At the same time I had a doctor trying to get a drip in my hand and the doctor and midwife arguing that they needed more help and the midwife saying that all the other midwives were busy. That’s when they pressed the alarm and suddenly there were loads of people in the room. I really thought at this point that my baby was dead, in fact I was telling myself you have 2 beautiful children already you are so lucky. It was the most awful feeling in the world and one I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.”(Lucy) Symptoms ?Flashbacks of the event, vivid sudden memories Post-natal isolation Fear of sex and childbirth Mother-baby bonding problems “I feel utterly robbed. Cheated. You can’t turn the clock back now so I have to live with this feeling every day but it hurts me to my core. I look at pregnant women and other mothers and I feel resentment and anger at their happiness. It’s almost like my baby died. She didn’t, she’s here, but I am grieving. People don’t understand that, but to me it’s easy. My daughter’s birth should have been a joyous occasion, but I feel only intense pain at its memory. It was the worst day of my life. This was my start to motherhood and I’m expected just to get on with it” (Melissa) POST NATAL POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER VS POST NATAL DEPRESSION TREATMENT Because the symptoms


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