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Tcl/TK Tutorial Fan Yang fly@ Kristy Hollingshead hollingk@ Learning Tcl/TK What is Tcl/TK? An interpreted programming language Build on-the-fly commands, procedures Platform-independent Easy to use for building GUIs Need little experience with programming Easy Programs are short, efficient Be willing to learn something new Why Tcl/TK? Easy, fast programming Free Download install Tcl/TK 8.4 on your own CSE machines (state) are set up with Tcl/TK 8.0 /software/tcltk/downloadnow84.tml Lots of online documentation, mostly free Solutions for AI homework will be in Tcl Base for the CSLU toolkit Hello World How to run your Tcl program Command line ( or DOS) Type tclsh to launch the console Type your program directly on the console Use the command source (source filename) Double click your .tcl file (if associated) Output on the console Command: puts Hello, world! Hello World Command line ( or DOS) Type tclsh to launch the console Type tcl code into console Hello World Sourced on the console Type tclsh, followed by name of program file ######## hello.tcl ####### puts Hello, world! Hello World Double-clicking your .tcl file (if associated with wish84.exe) ####### hello.tcl ######## Hello.tcl wm withdraw . console show puts Hello, world! Basic operations print to screen (puts) puts –nonewline Hello, world! puts !! assignment (set) set income 32000 puts income is $income (using $ to get the value of a variable) mathematical expressions (expr) set a 10.0 expr $a + 5 expr int($a/3) Some useful commands unset: destroy a variable unset num info: check whether the named variable has been defined if {![info exists num]} { set num 0 } incr num window commands wm withdraw . console show Special characters # : single-line comments, similar to // in C ;# : in-line comments, just like // in C \ : escape character, same function as in C : also used to break a long line of code to two lines $ : get the value of a variable var : n



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