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2015年外交学院翻译硕士考研经验 科目名称:611英语能力测试(写作) (时间3小时,满分150分,全部写在答题纸上,答在试题页上无效) I.Summarize themain points inthefollowing essay (inabout 150 words) and write a commentary (inabout 500 words) on the issue under discussion, relating it to Chinese reality. (70points) Time has not quelled controversy over policies of preferential treatment. First instituted in the 1960sand 1970sby employers and educational institutionsinresponse topressures fromcivil rights groups,preferential treatment programs seek to rectify the effectsofpast and ongoing discriminationagainstwomen and racial minorities. These programs are designed as temporary measures to increase the employment and educational opportunities available to qualified women and minorities by giving them preference in hiring, promotion, and admission. Toward this goal, some firms and institutions aggressively recruit minorities and women, others set numerical targets and timetables to raise the level of minority and female representation, and still others establish quotas to hire or admit a specified number of minority and female candidates. These programs have brought significant gains for women and minorities. Inthepast 25years,blackparticipation inthework force has increased 50 percent and the percentage of blacks holdingmanagerial positionshas jumpedfivefold. In 1970,women comprisedonly5percentof lawyerscomparedto20percent today. Twenty-five years ago, the student population at University of California,Berkeley,was80percentwhite comparedto45percent today. Despite these strides, severe inequities remain. Nearly 97 percent of corporate senior executives in the United States are white.Only5percentofallprofessionalsareblackthoughblacks comprise 12.7 percent of the work force. Hispanics hold only 4 percent ofwhite-collar jobsbut make up 7.5 percent of thework force. As civil rights groups press for more aggressive and comprehensivepreferential treatmentprograms to eliminate such


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