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2009 8 esgi n an d an ayl sis D 1 2 孔祥新 , 程 明 ( 1. , 276826; 2. , 210096) : , , , , , , , : ; ; ; ; ; : TM 351, TM 352 : A : 1004- 7018( 2009) 08- 0026- 04 Constant Power Flu - W eakening Control of Brushless Doubly- FedM otor for E lectric Vehicles 1 2 KONG X iang - x in , CHEN G M ing ( 1. Qufu Norm alUn iver ity, R izhao 276826, China; 2. Sou thea tUn iver ity, Nanjing 2 10096, China) Abstract: The bru hle doubly- fedm otor run w ith con tant torque below the ba e peed and w ith con tant pow er by field w eakening over the ba e peed. Theoretically peak ing, regu lation of exc iting current can be ach ieved to realize the con tant pow er control a the exc iting current i controllable. But unlike linear motor , bru h le doub ly - fed motor find d ifficu lt to realize con tant pow er control by utilizing pha e voltage ince the nonlinear character i tic m ay cau e BEM F to be in irregular quarew ave. T he field current of bru h le doubly - fed m otor wa controlled by the flux w eaken ing control w ith three- pha e armature re i tance voltage in order to obtain the max mi um output and ex tended the peed range, which ati fied the de m and of electr ic vehicle . S mi ulation and expermi ental re u lt confirmed the theory of the flux weaken ing method i effective. K ey words: bru h le doub ly - fed motor; con tant torque; con tant pow er; non linear; arm ature re i tance voltag e; flux w eakening , 0


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