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Project 1 Around our.doc

Project 1 Around our?city?(Period 1) Teaching contents教学内容: Project 1 Part AB ?Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标: 1 Review the words and drills we have learned before.?会用where…??句型询问并回答 2 Review the grammar point?Where guides the special questions?and?Try to use it smoothly. ?3 Be able to communicate with each other easily. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1 Review the words and drills we have learned before. ? 2 Be able to communicate with each other and feel happy for communicating. ? 3 Be able to master the grammar point?Where guide the special questions. ?Preparation教学准备: 1.?单词图片 2.?多媒体课件 ?Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Warm-up 1、让学生根据自己的实际情况回答问题。 (1) Where do you live? (2) How do you come to school? (3) Is there a zoo near your home? (4) Anywhere else? Step 2?Revision 复习已学词汇:根据老师的提示,让学生先读一读,再猜一猜,说出场所的名称。然后向学生出示各种场所标志的地图。加深巩固单词的学习,同时让学生看图说一说可以在这些地方做什么。 (1)It is a place. It is big. It is clean. We can see many doctors and nurses there. ??? ?It is a ___________.????????????? . (2)It is a place. It is big and clean. People can see and learn about many interesting things there. It is a ___________. (3)It is a place. It is big and beautiful. We can see many animals there. They are cute and clever .It is a _______. (4)It is a place. It is small. We can send letters and cards there. The postmen work there. It is a ___________. ?????3、根据各种标志的地图,请学生们尽可能多地用英语说出各种场所的名称。 ????(bookshop, museum, restaurant, post office, cinema, hospital, supermarket,?bank…) Today‘s topic: Around Our city Step 3 Presentation 1. Know the city: PPT (Picture: Nanjing) T: This is a?city. Do you know its name?? Great! It’s just our city, Nanjing.? Do you like it? Ss: Sure. T: Me, too. Hello, S1.Where do you live? S1: I live in…Town/on…street. T: Where’s our school? S1: It’s on …Street. T:? How do you come to school? S1: I come to school by?bus?from Monday to Friday. Sometimes I come to school on foot. T: Who is your good friend? S1:xx. T: Where does your good


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