SAT考场信息 权威(香港).pdfVIP

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SAT考场信息 权威(香港).pdf

SAT November 2010 年 11 月 Updated as at 7-10-2010 更新 * 以下资料仅供考生知悉考场位置 Centre information is ONLY for helping test takers locate their test centres. * 警告:考生及其代表,切勿联络考场,切勿于试前要求进入考场,以上情况可能导致「取消考场」 Warning !Candidates and their representatives MUST NOT contact test centres, AND MUST NOT visit test centres before the test. Doing so may result in CENTRE CANCELLATION * 查询 Enquiries 香港考试及评核局 SAT 考场资料 – 2010 年 11 月 6 日 Information of the HKEAA SAT Test Sites – 6 November 2010 考生及家长注意事项 请勿于考试前以电话、电邮或传真联络学校考场,学校并不能提供任何有关 考试、住宿或交通信息 所有考场并 不会于考试前开放供考生及家长参观 考试当日学校考场只供 开放予考生进入 内地考生 不可使用「中国居民身份证」用作考试的身份证明文件,兹因没有 英文姓名,请使用「往来港澳通行证」或「中国护照」 如考生候补考试(standby ),应事先预备需要填写报名表格的信用卡信息( 候补考试报名表格填写范例 ) Important information for candidates and parents DO NOT contact the school centres by phone, email or fax, the schools cannot provide any information about the test, accommodation and transportation NO visitors allowed before the test ONLY candidates are allowed to enter the test centre on the test day Mainland candidates should NOT use “China I.D. card” as identification document, as it does not contain English name. Please use “Exit-entry Permit for travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau” or “China passport” If candidates are going to register for standby testing, they should prepare credit card information in advance for completing the application form (Sample of completed application form for standby students) SAT November 2010 年 11 月 Updated as at 7-10-2010 更新 * 以下资料仅供考生知悉考场位置 Centre information is ONLY for helping test takers locate their test centres. * 警告:考生及其代表,切勿联络考场,切勿于试前要求进入考场,以上情况可能导致「取消考场」 Warning !Candidates and their representatives MUST NOT contact test centres, AN


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