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Sissy 中级口译Unit2 Smart Cars.ppt

Warming Up Enlarge vocabularies about cars Automobile (美)各种机动车总称 Car (英)尤指小轿车 (美)小轿车,四轮马车 Sedan (美)小轿车,箱式小客车 Types of Automobile Convertible 敞篷双门轿跑车 SUV-Sports Utility Vehicle 多功能运动车 Off-road vehicle 越野车 Sports Coupe 硬顶跑车 Types of Automobile MPV-Multi-Purpose Vehicle 多功能车 Classical car 老爷车 Recreational Car 房车 Conceptual Car 概念车 Pick-up 皮卡(小卡车) Language Study lucrative (L.4): producing much money; profitable This is a lucrative business. We made a lucrative business deal with the American company on rice import. 我们和一家美国公司做大米进口的生意,赚了些钱。 Language Study eliminate (L.19): remove sb./sth. that is not wanted or needed; get rid of patterns: eliminate sth.; eliminate sth. from sth. Can the government eliminate poverty? 他因为使用兴奋剂已被取消了参加游泳比赛的资格。 He has been eliminated from the swimming race because he used the performance-enhancing drugs. Language Study in the air (L.21): in the earth’s atmosphere; uncertain, not yet decided There is a smell of car exhaust gas (尾气) in the air. Our plans are still in the air. 我们的计划尚未确定。 Language Study alert (L.22) (1) vt. warn sb. that there may be danger, trouble, etc. patterns: alert sb.; alert sth. The teacher alerted the students to the danger of swimming in the river. The manager alerted the staff to the crisis facing the company. Language Study (2) adj. attentive; watchful pattern: be alert to The squirrels are quite alert to dangers. Language Study (3) n. a condition or period of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action pattern: on the alert (for/ against sth.) The hunters are on the alert for wolves. Language Study prototype (L.29): the first model or design of sth. from which other forms are copied or developed Manufacturers usually begin by building the prototype of a new model before they set up a factory to make up the cars. Toyota released its small-car prototype in 1947. proto-表示“最初的,原始的”: protohuman (早期原始人); protogalaxy (原星系); protovirus (原始病毒) Language Study hazard (L.33


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