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THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM Structure The Monarchy The Parliament The Birth of the Prime Minister and Cabinet The British Government Today 1. The Constitution 2. Parliament 3. The Role of Monarchy Today 4. The House of Lords and the House of Commons The Monarchy Monarch supreme ruler the king, queen, emperor, or empress. Monarchy state ruled by a monarch Divine Right of Kings The sovereign derived his authority from God, not from his subjects. A hereditary king or queen An exception Structure The Monarchy The Parliament The Birth of the Prime Minister and Cabinet The British Government Today 1. The Constitution 2. Parliament 3. The Role of Monarchy Today 4. The House of Lords and the House of Commons Parliament Derived from the French “parlement”, the action of parler (to speak) A parlement is a talk, a discussion – a meeting, an assembly Originated in 1200’s, during the reign of King John’s grandson-Edward I. The aim – to constrain the power of the monarch. Model Parliament 1295 - Model Parliament - included members of the clergy and the aristocracy, as well as representatives from the various counties and boroughs. Each county two knights each borough two burgesses each city two citizens Model Parliament At the time, Parliament‘s legislative authority was limited and its primary role was to levy taxes. Edward’s paramount goal in summoning the parliament was to raise funds for his wars, specifically planned campaigns against the French and the Scots for the upcoming year, and countering an insurgency(叛乱) in Wales. King Edward I Parliament the Model Parliament was unicameral, summoning 49 lords to sit with 292 representatives of the Commons. In 1341 the Commons met separately from the nobility and clergy for the first time, creating what was effectively an Upper Chamber and a Lower Chamber, with the knights and burgesses sitting in the latter. This Upper Chamber became known a


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