TS2012EIJT,TS2012EIJT,TS2012EIJT, 规格书,Datasheet 资料.pdf

TS2012EIJT,TS2012EIJT,TS2012EIJT, 规格书,Datasheet 资料.pdf

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TS2012EIJT,TS2012EIJT,TS2012EIJT, 规格书,Datasheet 资料.pdf

TS2012FC Filter-free flip-chip stereo 2 x 2.5 W class D audio power amplifer Features Flip chip 16 bumps ■ Operates from VCC = 2.5 to 5.5 V ■ Dedicated standby mode active low for each channel Pin connections (top view) ■ Output power per channel: 1.15 W at 5 V or 0.63 W at 3.6 V into 8 Ω with 1% THD+N max. ■ Output power per channel: 1.85 W at 5 V into 4 Ω with 1% THD+N max. LOUT-LOUT- STDBYLSTDBYL PGNDPGND ROUT-ROUT- ■ Output short-circuit protection ■ Four gain setting steps: 6, 12, 18, 24 dB ■ Low current consumption LOUT+LOUT+ STDBYRSTDBYR AGNDAGND ROUT+ROUT+ ■ PSSR: 63 dB typ at 217 Hz. ■ Fast startup phase: 7.8 ms ■ Thermal shutdown protection PVCCPVCC G1G1 AVCCAVCC G1G1 G0G0 ■ Flip-chip 16-bump lead-free package Applications LIN+LIN+ RIN+RIN+ INL+INL+ LIN-LIN- RIN-RIN- ■ Cellular phones ■ PDA Description The TS2012 is a fully-differential stereo class D power amplifier able to drive up to 1.15 W into an 8 Ω load at 5 V per channel. It achieves better efficiency compared to typical class AB audio amps. The device has four different gain settings utilizing two digital pins: G0 and G1. Pop and click reduction circuitry provides low on/off switch nois


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