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Unit 1 College Life.doc

Unit 1 College Life Part One Listening-Centered Activities Skill: 辨音(Sound Recognition)(1) 本单元的听力活动主要是训练听者辨析语音的能力。 题型特点:有关语音的听力理解题,通常要求听者本人的发音应该准确,能辨别同化、重读、弱读、连读、失去爆破等。英语中的同音词、近音词、近义词、形似词等,常常给试题增加了难度。 应对策略:根据对话内容和上下文情景,捕捉对话中的关键词,从而正确理解对话所传递的信息。 Exercises I. Directions: You will hear one word read from each group. Underline the letter beside the word you hear. 1. A) lead B) lid C) led D) land 2. A) books B) boss C) bought D) boots 3. A) keep B) kid C) kept D) cat 4. A) pull B) poor C) Paul D) pool 5. A) task B) taste C) test D) tooth 6. A) short B) show C) shirt D) shout 7. A) try B) dry C) tree D) dream 8. A) this B) these C) the D) those 9. A) same B) shame C) tame D) chain 10. A) sip B) ship C) sheep D) chip II. Directions: You’ll hear a short passage. Listen carefully and supply the missing words. In Britain all children go to school at the age of ________. They begin their education in a __________school. At the age of 11 they move on to a _______ school. But in some areas, children go to a __________ school at ten, and then to a _________ school at the age of thirteen. Children in a few areas take an exam called ________ at the age of eleven. Those who pass go to a _________ school; those who fail to a _____________ school. Part Two Reading-Centered Activities Text College: An All-Forgiving World? In “The Commencement Speech You’ll Never Hear”, Jacob Neusner argues that we have been made to believe, according to our college experience, that “failure leaves no record” and that things can be easily achieved. It seems to Neusner that college is not a good preparatory school for life because it is making us ready “for a world that does


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