Unit 2 Move Over Big Brother.pptVIP

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Unit 2 Move Over Big Brother.ppt

Unit 2 Move Over, Big Brother 教学建议: 本章重点:有关监视技术的表达法。 本章难点:学习讨论监视技术进步的正负面影响。 课时安排:精读4学时。 ☆ Pre-reading Activities ☆ Passage Exploration ☆ Post-reading Activities Unit 2 Move Over, Big Brother Pre-reading Questions What surveillance devices can you get easy access to nowadays? Nowadays, there are various ways to keep one’s figure and good looks. Have you ever tried any of them? What’s your comment? What might be the consequences of the spread of surveillance technology? Background Information ☆ George Orwell ☆ 1984 ☆ Louis XIV ☆ Big Brother ☆ Rodney King ☆ Abu Ghraib jail in Iraq ☆ Peeping Tom George Orwell George Orwell (1903-1950) was born Eric Arthur Blair in 1903 in Motihari, Bengal, India. He went to Bruma and served in the administration of the Indian Imperial Police from 1922 to 1927 when he resigned in part due to his growing dislike of British imperialism, a dislike he vocalized in his essays Shooting an Elephant (1950), and A Hanging (1931). In 1928, he decided to become a professional writer. Starting in 1930 Orwell became a regular contributor to the New Adelphi, and in 1933 he assumed the name George Orwell by which he would become famous. George Orwell For his first novel he used his recent experience with poverty as inspiration and wrote Down and Out in Paris and London (1933). While teaching in a private school he published his second major work, Burmese Days (1934). During the second World War Orwell served as a sergeant in the Home Guard and also worked as a journalist for the BBC, Observer and Tribune, where he was literary editor from 1943 to 1945. It was toward the end of the war that he wrote Animal Farm, and when it was over he moved to Scotland. It was Animal Farm that made finally Orwell prosperous. His other world wide success was Nineteen Eighty-Four, which Orwell said was written to alter other peoples idea of the kind of society they should strive after. Sadly Orwell never lived to see how successful it would becom


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