Unit 1 Introduction to Business.pptVIP

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Unit 1 Introduction to Business.ppt

Unit 1 Introduction to Business Text What is Business? Pre-reading Questions When you see the word business, what other words or ideas may come to your mind? Write them down quickly and put them into categories. Pre-reading Questions Could you give your own definition of business? You may begin with: Business is … What is the definition given in the text? What are the major activities involved in business? Explain them. Language and Comprehension concept n. idea underlying sth; general notion 观念;概念 It seems he doesn’t know the concept that everyone should have an equal opportunity. exchange n. giving one thing in return for another 交换;互换 He is giving her French lessons in exchange for her teaching him English. distribution n. distribute vt. separate sth into parts and give a share to each person 分发;分配 distribute sth to/among sb The medical team distributed medicine to the village people. various adj. of several kinds, unlike one another 不同种类的;各种各样的 There they saw butterflies of various colors. conversion n. convert vt. change from one form to another 转变;转换 convert (sth) (from sth) (into sth) The room was converted from a kitchen into a store room. ore n. rock, earth, mineral, etc. from which metal can be obtained 矿石 dealership n. 代理商;经销商 classify vt. arrange sth systematically in classes or groups 分类 The books in the library are classified according to subject. perform vt. do a piece of work, sth one is ordered to do, sth one has agreed to do 执行;履行 perform a task/ perform a function/ perform one’s duty mechanic n. worker skilled in using or repairing machines or tools 技工;机修工 combination n. combine vt. join or mix together to form a whole 合并;混合 combine with; combine A with B; combine A and B Combine the eggs with a little flour and heat the mixture gently. surplus n. amount left over after one has used all that one needs; amount by which money received is greater than money spent 剩余;盈余 We have a trade surplus of $ 4 billion. expenses n. (pl.


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