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26 2 Vo l1 26 No1 2 2005 3 ACT A A ERON A U T ICA ET A ST RO N AU T ICA SIN ICA M ar. 2005 : 1000- 6893( 2005 02-0219- 05 Gabor 1, 2 1 1 , , ( 11 203 , 100083 ( 21 , 543002 A Mult-i Focus Image Fusion Method Based on Gabor Filter 1, 2 1 1 Y U Zhen- ming , M A O Sh-i yi , GA O Fei ( 11 Faculty 203, Beij ing U niver sity of A eronautics and A stro nautics, Beijing 1000 83, China ( 21 Wuzhou Branch G uangx i U niversit y, W uzhou 54 3002 , China : G abor Gabor , , , , , : G abo r ; ; : T P39 1 : : A Abstract: T his paper pr oposes a new method based o n G abo r f ilter for mult-i fo cu s imag e fu sion1 U sing Gabor f ilt er s to f ilter original imag es in v ario us o rientations fo r ex tracting ener gies o f high fr equency in diff erent or i- entatio ns1 Co mpar e these ener gies to j udg e w hether the pix el is focu sed , then generate the fu sed imag e1 Com- puter simulat ion results illu strat e that this metho d is simple and available1 A lso the test r esults ar e compard w it h tho se o f other methods such as w avelet transfor m and direct aver age fu sion1 Key words: G abo r f ilter ; imag e fu sion ; character o f high fr equency , , , , , , ) ) ) , Gabor , , Gabor , ,


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