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2009 11 24 11 Lab oratoryM dicin , Nov m b r 2009, Vol 24. No 11. # 799# : 1673-8640 ( 2009) 11-0799-05 : R971 : A 郭新胜, 王冀康, 师天元, 姜 锋, 张红亚 (, 453002) : ( HPLC)( CZP) ( N-CZP) CZP , , HP-1100H PLC CZPN-CZP , CZPN-CZP (P 0. 00 1) CZPN-CZP (P 0. 05); CZPN-CZP (P 0. 01~ 0. 00 1) , 4 e 24 h, CZP N-CZP(P 0. 05), (P 0. 05) 4 e 24 h, CZP(P 0. 05), N-CZP (P 0. 05); CZPN-CZP (P 0. 05); (P 0. 05) CZPN-CZP , , , ; HPLC CZPN-CZP , : ; ; ; ; ; ; Influence of differentadditives to the concentrations of clozapine and itsmetabolite in blood samplesmeas- ured by high performance liquid chromatography GUO X insheng, WANG J ikang, SH I T ianyuan, JIAN G F eng, ZHAN G H ongya. (D ep a tm en t of Cent al Labo ato y, the Second Aff iliated H osp ital of X inx iang M ed ical Un ive s ity, H enan X inx iang 453002, China) Abstract: Objective T o xp lor th f asib ility of d t rm in ing th conc ntrations of clozapin ( CZP) and norcloz- ap in ( N-CZP) in blood samp l s tr at d w ith various additiv s by h igh p rform anc liquid chromatography ( HPLC). M ethods Th b lood sam pl s of pati nts tr at d w ith CZP w hich has r ach d a st ady stat w r coll ct d in four d iff r- nt vacuum tub s: on no additiv , and 3 tub s w ith h parin sod ium anti-coagu lant, coagulant, s paration g l, r sp c- tiv ly. Th CZP and N-CZP conc ntrations w r d t rm in d by H PLC ( M od lH P-1100). Th d iff r nc s of th r sults w r com par d. Results Th r w r sign ifican t d iff r nc s in CZP and N-CZP conc ntrat


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