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第39 卷第 4 期 光 子 学 报 Vol. 39 No. 4 2010 年4 月 ACTA PHOTON ICA SINICA April 2010 Article ID: 100424213(2010)042063924 Modulation Instability in Supercontinuum Generation Using thePhotonic * Crystal Fiber Pumpedby Quasi2Continuum Wave 1, 2 1 1 1 1 1, 2 ZHANG Ti g , ZHAO Wei , YANG Zhi , WANG Yi2sha , LI Che , FANG Pi g ( 1 StateKey Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics,Xic an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, ChineseAcademy of Sciences,Xic an 710119, China) (2 raduateUniversity of ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Beij ing 100049,China) Abstract: A phe ome o experime tally emergi g i super2co ti uum ge eratio with a piece of photo ic crystal fiber pumped by quasi2co ti uum wave is reported. Accordi g to the umer ical simulatio which co tai s usi g the gai spectrum theory of modulatio i stability a d solvi g o li ear SchrÊdi ger equatio , it is proved that this phe ome o is ge erated by modulatio i stability.After the results of the simulatio a d the experime t bei g co trasted a d a alyzed, it is fou d that the simulatio result i cludi g two me tio ed methods is i excelle t agreeme t with the exper ime t r esult which the wavele gth differe ce betwee the two spectrum lobes a d the ce tral wavele gth ar e 27. 08 m a d 32. 72 m r espectively. ey words: Superco ti uum ge eratio ; Ge eralized o


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