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Christmas traditions Santa Claus Christmas tree Christmas hats Christmas Stocking(圣诞歌曲) Christmas cards Christmas dinner Christmas carols(圣诞歌曲) Christmas symbol Santa Claus Christmas tree Christmas hats Christmas Stocking Christmas cards Christmas dinner Christmas sled Christmas ham Christmas wood(冬诞柴) Christmas holly(冬青) Christmas mistletoe(榭寄生 Christmas carols(圣诞歌曲) Christmas bell The hanging of stockings by the fireplace before bedtime, to receive the presents from Father Christmas. Almost of everyone enjoys Christmas Day! When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve , they hang(悬挂) a stocking at the behind of their beds . Their parents warn them not to try to look at Father Christmas , or their parents will not leave them anything . When they wake up , they find their stockings filled with presents . As a result,children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early. Nowadays ,Christmas is celebrated (庆祝)by most of people by exchanging gifts and Christmas cards, preparing holiday foods, and decorating(装饰) homes and workplaces with colored lights(彩灯), Christmas trees and ornaments.(饰品) After presents are opened on Christmas morning, preparations are quickly underway(进行中 )for the Christmas lunch where the whole family will gather (聚集)and eat the Christmas Crackers. Christmas carols Merry charismas——《圣诞快乐》 Jingle bells ring——《铃铛响铃铛》 Listen, Angel caroling——《听,天使 报佳音》 A Christmas greeting to cheer you,my goodfriend. 献上令你开心的圣诞祝福,我的好友。 圣 诞 节 快 乐 在圣诞节前的12月24号是圣诞节前夕(寂静的夜晚) 在12月25号人们庆祝一年一度的节日——圣诞节 它是为了纪念耶稣的诞生 在英国,圣诞老人称为圣诞之父(圣诞老人)。 在圣诞前夕家里的小孩就为圣诞节做好了准备工作。 圣诞老人 圣诞树 圣诞帽 圣诞袜 圣诞贺卡 圣诞晚餐 圣诞歌 圣诞老人[[ ‘s?nt? klaus ] 圣诞火腿 圣诞帽 圣诞柴 圣诞袜 冬青 圣诞贺 槲寄生[ mis?lt?u ] 圣诞晚餐 圣诞铃铛 圣诞雪橇 在睡觉的时候把长筒袜挂在壁炉旁,收到圣诞老人给的礼物, 尽管长筒袜现在可能被挂在不同的地点所取代,如儿童的床上。 但一直是一个美好的传统,现在依然还是被许多小孩和青少年用着。 几乎每个人都喜欢圣诞节



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