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( ) Vo l. 5 No. 3 第 5卷第 3期 南京师范大学学报 工程技术版 2005年 9 月   JOURNAL OF NANJ IN G NORMAL UN IV ER SITY ( EN GIN EER IN G AND TECHNOLO GY)   Sep , 2005 求解连续函数最大值的蚂蚁优化算法 张玉兰 ,朱庆保 (南京师范大学 数学与计算机科学学院 ,江苏 南京 2 10097) [摘要 ]   求解连续函数最大值的优化算法已有多种 ,但都不同程度地存在一定的局限性. 为此 ,提出了一种用于求解连续 函数最大值的蚂蚁优化算法 —基于图的蚂蚁算法. 该方法将问题抽象为一个有向图,模拟蚂蚁的觅食行为 , 由一组蚂蚁反复 地在有向图上移动 ,最终得到最优解. 在阐述了该算法的具体步骤后 ,从理论上对该算法的收敛性进行了分析 ,证明了该算 法可较快地收敛到最优解. [关键词 ]  连续函数 ,最大值 ,基于图的蚂蚁算法 ,收敛性 [中图分类号 ] TP3 11. 5,  [文献标识码 ]B ,  [文章编号 ] 1672 1292 (2005) 03006 103 Solv ing the M ax im iza tion Problem of the Con tinuous Function s Ba sed on An t O ptim iza tion A lgor ithm ZHAN G Yu la n , ZHU Q in gb ao ( School of M athem atic s and Compu ter Science, N anj ing Norm al Un iversity, J iangsu N anj ing 2 10097 , Ch ina) A b stract: M any ways have been given to solve the m axim ization p rob lem of the con tinuou s function, however, there are som e drawback smore or le ss. So, an ant op tim ization algorithm GBA S ( Grap hB ased An t System ) is p ropo sed, in wh ich the p rob lem is firstly ab stracted a s a directed grap h, a group of an ts then traverse on the directed grap h rep eat edly sim u lating the behavior of foraging, and the op tim ization so lu tion can be ob tained in the end. The p rocedure of the algorithm is de scribed in detail and its convergence is analyzed theoretically, and thu s th is algorithm is p roved to converge to the op tim ization so lution rap idly. Key word s: continuou s function, m axim ization, GBA S, convergence 0 引言 求解函数最大值优化问题一直受到广大研究


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