13 ColoniesMassachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rh.ppt

13 ColoniesMassachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rh.ppt

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13 ColoniesMassachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rh.ppt

13 Colonies Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia Colonial Regions New England, Middle, and Southern New England Colonies Commerce and Religion Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island Settled by Pilgrims, Puritans, and other Protestant religious groups; mostly from England. Religious Freedom. Cold weather, rocky soil * Short growing season due to weather. Subsistence Farming – produce enough for themselves. Near the Atlantic Ocean. Fishing provides great economic opportunity in New England. Harbors provide shipping ports = trade. New England Forests Provides wood for shipbuilding and lumber industry. New England has three types of trade: With other colonies With Europe Triangular trade * Triangular trade has three stops: In Africa, trade goods for slaves and gold In West Indies (Caribbean), trade slaves for sugar, molasses Take sugar, molasses, and gold back to New England New England becomes very wealthy through trade. Few slaves in New England; slavery not economical in the region. Some people had house slaves; cooks, house servants, gardeners. New England Colonies are not dependent on slavery Middle Colonies Farms and Cities New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania Immigrants from all over Europe, Quakers Diverse population brings new ideas, tolerance. Quakers promote equality between men and women, protest against slavery. Religious freedom, advanced farming methods, craftsmen (ironworkers, glass makers, furniture and wagon builders. * Hot humid summers, rich fertile soil Long growing season Grow large cash crops, crops sold for money, on large farms. Near the Atlantic Ocean Excellent harbors for trade; cities develop (Philadelphia, New York) 7% of population were slaves Slaves did manual labor, assist craftspersons Slavery allowed, but the economy is not dependent on slaves. Southern Colonies Plantations and Slaver


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