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2010 8 19 8 Ch in J G ast oente o lH epato,l Aug 2010, V o l19, N o8 # 687# , Rakesh Kum a Jha, , , 430071 ! ( IBD) 2010 3, , , IBD , , IBD , , IBD IBD , , , 2009 7 IBD , ! ; ; : R 574. 62 : A : 1006- 5709( 2010) 08- 0687- 03 : 20 100617 S tudy abou t th e consensus statem en t on IBD A sian fo cu s II ZOU Y anli, Rakesh Kum a Jha, LI Q ingbo, X IA B ing Depa tm ent of Gast oente o logy, Zhongnan H ospital, W uhan Un ive sity, W uhan 430071, China A bstract! IBD A sian focus IIw as conducted in Shangha,i PR Ch ina, in M a ch, 2010. T he m eeting po inted out that in the past decade, the inc idence and p evalence of IBD w as epo ted w ide ly in A sia and m any va iances w e e found com pa ed w ith the W est. So attent ion should be pa id to explo e the e lated c itica l facto s affecting the featu es of A sian IBD com pa ed w ith the W est. A c lin ical gu ideline can p ov ide standa d gu idance fo clin ica l p actice, but it is awl ays long and com plicated. H ence, the long ev iew ing tmi e m ay lead to lag the steps fo effective mi plem entat ion to com bat the disease. So it is sign ificant to estab lish a b ief and concise consensus statem ent. Consensus statem ent, wh ich w as es tablished by A sian IBD wo k g oup at M acao in July, 2009, w as lea ned and discussed in this m eeting. Th is a ticle stud ied and summ a ized the consensus statem ent on IBD, includ ing both C ohn ∀ s d isease and u lce at ive co litis, estab lished by A sian IBD w o k g oup atM acao in July, 2009. Key word s! Inflamm ato y bow e l d isease; U lce ative co lit is; C ohn ∀ s disease , IBD, 1 1. 1 IBD IBD, , , , IBD ; IBD ( UC ) ( CD ) ; [ 1, 2] CD , , IBD ,


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